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Catch and Grease

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Everything posted by Catch and Grease

  1. What do you mean "If I could eat a fishing lure"... I can eat a fishing lure!
  2. Wow, nice fish! Nice pictures
  3. Original packages for me
  4. Its a band from Finland I believe
  5. I've been using straight 10lb original PP and like it.
  6. When I said I don't fish wacky around grass its because I just prefer to fish a Texas rig in grass because I feel it goes in and out of the grass better and has a better action. If you want to fish wacky in grass then go for it, plenty of people do.
  7. Well the first time it was the drag, now the button won't automatically come back up when you reel, instead you have to push up on the bottom of the button to help it alittle, and if you pull the line sometimes it will release for no apparent reason and go into free spool... I dunno what would cause that but I'm gonna send it to a local guy and maybe he can fix it.
  8. I got my grandpa a Johnny Morris Carbonlite for his B-day and a couple months later the drag completely broke, So we sent it in and they sent a new one and now that one is broke too and in need of repair. It was very light and smooth but doesn't hold up well at all, But that was the old carbonlite I guess.
  9. I love watching bass tournaments, like mentioned above its kinda like football or other sports, you know the score the whole game... The weigh in to me isn't really what I'm intrested in unless I'm actually at the tournament in person. Sirsnookalot, I can see why you would like to fight a fish considering you are a saltwater angler and fight huge fish that actually take work to get landed but bass fishing is to me more about the pursuit of the bass than the catch/fight.
  10. You could use ethier, I Texas rig my plastic here and don't really mess with wacky because there is a lot of grass...
  11. We have a 45 HP engine on our ranger boat that doesn't have PT and that thing is heavy as mess!
  12. I fish alone a lot too, but like someone mentioned about their lake earlier the lake I fish is shallow and filled with trees so I could ethier stand up or hug a tree if I happen to get tossed out of the boat. I try to wear my PFD when I'm using the gas motor but I don't wear it other than that honestly...
  13. Maybe his live well wasn't big enough lol... What an amazing catch!
  14. I thought this was just gonna be some silly video but that was pretty impressive. Pretty awesome!
  15. Man... That's a freak of a fish, what a HAWG.
  16. I started watching Addictive Fishing and I can't get enough... I've been watching episode after episode on YouTube, it's pretty entertaining...
  17. Because I love a good ole fish fry!
  18. I always try to bring my steelers hat, but its not because I think its lucky or something...
  19. That's a awesome cat!
  20. The fact that I can present a weightless action but still be able to keep my bait in the same area for longer and present the bait above the bass is why I believe dropshotting is so deadly for me, and I can cast a 3/8oz dropshot a lot farther than I can cast a weightless grub or finesse worm.
  21. I've been fishing the drop shot more and more and honestly it has been producing great for me, no huge bass but lots of numbers of 2-3lb solid quality bass, And I don't fish deep water, the lake I fish averages 6-8 feet and I'm always casting the DS.
  22. Ahhh I love my cats, all five of em!
  23. That is a sad sad story jigman... Part of me feels like I should have "finished" spot, he got hit between 12:30 and 1:00AM and died around 3AM. Half of me knew he wouldn't make it, but the other half just couldn't let go of him and I kept saying just make it to the morning and we'll go to the vet. I just don't have the guts do do something like that I guess, I made him as comfortable as i could for his last moments.
  24. The thing that makes me extremely angry is that he feels zero remorse and feels it isn't his fault. When he hit my dog he went inside and told me what happened then I ran outside and carried spot inside and he wouldn't even help, him and his friend went to the bedroom and played video games and laughed and cut up while I'm inside trying to comfort my dying dog. Then absoulety no adult figures got on to him because it was an "accident". No he was trying to look like a badass in front of his friend by jacking the truck and going for a midnight cruise and his immaturity caused the death of my dog. No matter how you look at it, it is his fault and he should be punished, even though he may not have intended to kill my dog his actions caused it.
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