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Catch and Grease

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Everything posted by Catch and Grease

  1. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/12403-jig-fishing-questions/ This will help, a lot of good info on jigs in here.
  2. Nice write up, maybe it'll help me catch some big sunfish this year... I certainly couldn't last year lol!
  3. Great catch, Great picture!
  4. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/126630-pasting-pictures/
  5. 3.5lb Bluegill? That's impressive.... I caught this Chain Pickerel while fishing for bass on 10lb braid and a zoom speed craw on topwater... I dont know how he didnt slice through that braid!
  6. I know the feeling, Today I had a big one run into some grass and get wrapped up so I had to go dig him out, he weighed alittle over four so im very glad he didn't get off...
  7. Its a social media site that is focused around uploading and sharing photos with your friends and family.
  8. Its been all about finesse worms for me lately... Caught 8 today on zoom trick worms.
  9. I catch a lot of fish around here pitching jigs and lighter Texas rigs in pads with a MH/F. Just be careful and don't fish the pads you can walk on lol!
  10. Every plastic? That's a lot of hooks... I use normal 2/0 offset worm hooks and 4/0 EWG hooks the most.
  11. JJ's magic definitely doesn't wash off.... That stuff is on there for good!
  12. I'm not a fan of spiderwire anything....
  13. Never caught fish with them, or atleast I don't remember catching anything with them...
  14. Now wouldn't it be nice to go back to the same spot and catch the same fish with your hook and line hanging out of its mouth? That'd take a load off your chest lol!
  15. Oh okay, I think I get what your saying..... I think lol
  16. What do you mean smooth the transition?
  17. Out of curiosity how short of a tag end do y'all put on your Alberto knots? I have been trimming mine down to about 1/16 of an inch to minimize the knot catching on the guides.
  18. How much were you wanting to spend?
  19. Hmm, I figured, but he acted like you needed it pretty tight. I knew it would sound dumb but I wasn't sure, I'm gonna sit down and try to learn it today.
  20. What have y'all been securing the braid to when trying to tie the FG knot?
  21. Someone is always looking for the more perfect knot, everything is improved eventually...
  22. Rage craw is definitely my favorite.
  23. Nice! That's a heck of a day of fishing!
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