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Catch and Grease

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Everything posted by Catch and Grease

  1. Yeah I don't have much luck fishing a jig on the bottom, most of my jig fish are pitching to cypress trees and swimming.
  2. I don't have a whole lot of experience dragging jigs and I fish mostly natural lakes with soft bottoms and not much in the way of hard bottoms, what jigs do you like for dragging on a soft bottom? Do you even drag jigs on a soft bottom or usually use a different technique?
  3. Great fish, congratulations to him, that probably made him a very happy man!
  4. Jeremy wade is targeting the big ones. He literally catches an amazing fish, usually triple digit, almost every episode....
  5. Nice! I haven't caught a top water fish in awhile...
  6. This is one of those "duh!" Things but it is pretty important, I started doing it when I made a thread complaining about Palomars making FC coil and JFrancho gave me the same advice.
  7. He posted a link and apparently it is legal there.
  8. Are they really overpopulated and hurting the other species of fish though? Not calling you a lier but it seems hard to believe, is there any study's you can put a link up for?
  9. That's a big ole bass you got on that jig! Nice work!
  10. I tried catching a big one I saw yesterday for like 3 hours... I got a little obsessed haha never did catch her...
  11. I love Jeremy wades show, and honestly if he spent part of the show going in depth about his tactics he would lose viewers, most people who are watching don't fish or atleast not enough to care about that stuff... That "newbie" has caught hundreds of different spieces of fish and many, many triple digit behemoths in multiple country's in so many different lakes and rivers. He does have some videos on animalplanet.com where he explains why he uses the tackle and tactics he does. He does play up the danger factor like bluebasser said, but hey, its show business and you gotta keep the viewers entertained.
  12. I'm gonna have to look into these In-fishermen's on natural lakes... Sounds like it would be well worth the read.!
  13. 10# braid or 8lb fluorocarbon
  14. I'm ready to catch some hawgs on topwaters! Nice going man!
  15. You gotta consider what your throwing in to, I like 14 or 15lb test when I'm fishing around the trees and grass out here... (For Senkos)
  16. If you like beetlespins you should try to fish a Roadrunner, look em up if you don't already fish them. Great little spinners!
  17. I'd say get the faster one, but both would work fine.
  18. Why did you just throw that into the middle of the post and what could you possibly need 20/0 circle hooks for? Kinda curious...
  19. Nice fish congrats on the new PB!
  20. Raider I think your lost, the "everything else" section is down a bit further... Oh wait? This thread is actually about fishing!
  21. If your guessing it was around 24 inches it's safe to say its a 7lber in my book.... Good fish!
  22. I think black and blue flake is prettier so I use that.
  23. For largemouth bass fishing having your mainline twice as long as your farthest cast is more than enough line.
  24. Lol smaller one? They both look huge to me!
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