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Catch and Grease

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Everything posted by Catch and Grease

  1. Would you say its worth 20$ or should I wait and try to find a deal...
  2. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/6900-megabass-pop-max/ Google's search is better than bass resource's search
  3. Been looking at this bait and it looks pretty cool, I'm thinking of getting a couple but they are 19.99$... Do you guys like them? Are they worth the money? what colors do Y'all like for them, If I get em ill probably go All-in and buy three lol Does it walk any good or is it more of a pop and stop lure?
  4. I'll fish all the way up to the tournament... Just try not to catch the fish, cut the point of your trebles or something.
  5. And one good backlash and that heavy swim bait is sailing through the sky...
  6. Get black and never look back!
  7. That would be a very boring tournament....
  8. Diawa tatulas for 75$? What is this madness...
  9. I want to add one more thing, NASCAR is a sport you need absolute 100% concentration to be successful in. This is one spot tony Stewart, and many other drivers could improve, tony Stewart lets his emotions get the best of him way to often.
  10. And kevin intentionally got out of his car to confront tony. Using words like "basically" in an argument makes it very weak by the way. Goodnight Irene
  11. Should he be charged with murder, no because he had no intention of killing Kevin. Should he be charged with manslaughter because of the accident, no because Kevin is just as much at fault as tony. And again don't put words in my mouth I never said Kevin was 100% at fault, please quote me on that if I'm lying. And yes I have seen the interview of tony admiting to goosing the throttle, doesn't change my opinion.
  12. What are you getting at? Sure tony can be a cry baby drama queen and runs around the track sometimes too? Does that have ANYTHING to do with the situation? Does that make it not okay that he hit someone on the track? Because he walks around the track sometimes too?? And that's different. Like seriously if a guy jumps in front of your car is it your fault you hit him? Come on man be real. Watch the video a few more times and you can see the guy obviously walks up to Tony's car as if he was gonna climb threw the window.
  13. I'm not trying to sound angry but I would handle this situation the same if it was any 2 NASCAR drivers in the sport. Don't put words in my mouth, I don't care for tony Stewart much anyways. I'm quick to defend tony? Your quick to accuse someone of life changing charges after quickly watching a 2 minute video and reading an article. If I ever end up in court for whatever reason I hope people like you aren't on the jury. Its very offense to put words like that in peoples mouth, this is a tragic incident and to say that I don't care about Kevin and that if it was tony I would is just flat out RUDE.
  14. I seriously, seriously, doubt his career is over. He will be racing again before long.
  15. Don't catch a fish on the first cast, lesson learned.
  16. Not saying you should just go run people over on the track but it diffently would have been avoided if Kevin would have stayed in his vehicle.
  17. The NASCAR track isn't a normal street and doesn't follow the same laws, a dude running in front of vehicles doesn't have the right of way when they are flying by at high speeds. Even if tony goosed the throttle leading to his back tire slipping and hitting him, the dude should not have been out of his car. period.
  18. Well guilty as charged! Off with his head! Atleast that's how quick some of y'all are jumping to conclusions. There is so much we don't know.
  19. Lol I love the days bass are choking frogs.... I went out today and the bass musta been cross eyed, I got 2 strikes on black then switched to white and got another strike and none of them got the frog in their mouth good.... Nice fish!
  20. I got skunked today, fished 5 hours and got 3 strikes on a frog but no hook-up, just keep fishing!
  21. Or you can say him getting out his car and walking in front of TS caused his death. I'm just gonna say everyone is innocent until proven guilty and I'm not gonna accuse someone of murder/manslaughter without knowing the facts.
  22. Do y'all think he deserves jail time, Do yall think he committed a crime? What's your opinion on that
  23. Exactly, but NASCAR knows its fans love drama so it won't give someone a penalty for running out in the road to taunt someone.
  24. Idk if the hitting the throttle part is true and you don't ethier, and even if it is he may have been reacting to seeing a man at the last second trying to swerve.
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