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Catch and Grease

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Everything posted by Catch and Grease

  1. Thanks guys! So if y'all were targeting bigger bass y'all would throw the same things you would for any other size? Basically I'm asking why I shouldn't throw a big worm... I've always been under the impression that bigger worms catch bigger bass. I've got lots of 2-4lb bass on 12 inch worms so idk...
  2. I just want a 5lb bass man.... But a 10lber would be nice too... Haha I have seen plenty 10lb+ bass get pulled out of banks lake too BTW, So it can produce big fish under the right circumstances.
  3. Guys I know a big bass will bite a small lure too, but I believe that you have a better chance of catching big bass with big lures... Just my opinion, yes location has a lot to do with it, but I don't wanna just go to some private pond and catch a trophy, I want to catch a big bass in banks lake! You know what I'm saying?? Like I don't just want the big bass, I want the satisfaction of catching the big bass in this specific lake (which is a very tough lake BTW) EDIT: Maybe I didn't word that part about big lures right... I just think a big bass will have a harder time turning down an ole' monster than a trick worm.
  4. I personally like chop suey the best from SOAD... But Breaking Benjamin is my number one modern rock band!
  5. Uhh, If I understant correctly your asking have you ever went a whole day without bites then all the sudden the bass "turn on". Yes, sometimes it seems like the whole day nothing will bite then for 30 minutes or so the bass will just start destroying any lure then just shut off again... Seems to happen to me during the summer more than anytime of year...
  6. I was kinda joking, I listen the same kind of music, I just have to understand the words or I don't like it. There plenty of songs in other languages I like, like dean martins version of volare, its not all english so I don't really know the lyrics in a way. Dean Martin - Volare (High Quality - Remastered): http://youtu.be/mkWhkKVvqHUw I'll listen to everything from that, to this below. System Of A Down - Chop Suey!: http://youtu.be/CSvFpBOe8eY
  7. Wow that's awesome, what a great time period to grow up in....
  8. Im tired of not being able to brag about my PB! (Just under 5lb) from now on I'm only gonna fish big fish baits like 10-12inch worms, square bills like the KVD 2.5, and big jigs until I catch a 5lb+ bass.... Today went out and only fished 12 inch worms, Didn't get a bite all day except for some pickerel chomping my worm in half. Wish me luck....
  9. What do you mean "you anglers"?? Racist.
  10. Why you would want to listen to music so obnoxious that you have to look up the lyrics is beyond me haha....
  11. The day Buddy holly, ritchie valens, and The big bopper died in a plane crash was the day original rock N' rolls popularity started to take a dive.... Fun fact: Dion was going to board that plane but refused to pay for the expensive ticket and decided not too, and tommy allsup lost his seat to valens In a coin toss. Buddy holly was only 22 years old and had been popular for alittle over a year, yet he made a tremendous impact on the music industry...
  12. I'll listen to most all rock, as long as it isn't cookie monster metal. I have to atleast be able to understand what their saying.
  13. 1.Type Irene into the search and hit enter. 2.Be entertained.
  14. Alright you pushed me over the edge, Ima pick one or two up! Lots of people I've talked to lately have been going bananas over this bait... I've only ever used the H2O express wakebaits, it'll be fun to try a new one
  15. Every 457 years mercury aligns with jupiter, while Neptune aligns with Venus. Thus causing the top-water bite to be great. I think its just because every year is different and that means every year different baits will shine in each season, I don't really think there is much to it...
  16. If its not rock n roll what is it? Modern rock wouldn't be the same if it wasn't for 50-60s rock N' roll.
  17. Nice! Jigs catch pigs!
  18. Its different on a day to day basis, although lately I have been starting out with buzzbaits.
  19. Haha at least you caught him!
  20. Little Richard - Good Golly Miss Molly:
  21. Dion isn't rock n roll? Haha good one! Jerry Lee lewis is awesome.
  22. Dion & Del Satins - Lovers Who Wander ( Alternate…: I wish more young people like me listened to this kinda music! All my friends think I'm crazy haha
  23. Hmm, I didn't know cherrywoods float! Lol
  24. One bad thing is that on most (Not all) jointed lures is that the hooks and line sometimes will get caught in a joint ruining your cast.
  25. Just let it go... my PB is just shy of 5lbs but I have hooked 2 bass (That I actually got to see) that would have easily went 8+ and I lost both. One was with a oxbow bomber square A, I was ripping it through grass and thought I hit a clump of grass because it felt like I was reeling in dead weight and I look down and I see probably the biggest bass I've ever had on the end of my line, I got her all the way to the boat and then the hook popped out... honestly I didn't set the hook good because of the fact that I thought it was grass, had I set the hook I probably would have landed her... Since that mistake I set the hook into anything that stops the vibrations of my crank baits, sure most of the time its grass/stumps but every now an then I hook a bass that I could have bet money was grass or a stump. My point is I learned from my mistake and you will too, that'll probably be the last time you make the mistake of trying to horse a fish when you shouldn't! You may think it will "haunt" you forever, that's what I thought too, but after awhile it just turns into another memory and not necessarily a bad one.
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