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Catch and Grease

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Everything posted by Catch and Grease

  1. I hate it when people act like idiots in front of kids...
  2. Glad ya had a good time!
  3. Nice, darn good smallie...
  4. When someone says I want to catch big bass they don't want someone to tell them to just go to some private pond down south and catch one, they want the satisfaction of catching it in the waters they regularly fish. Whether or not a fish is big is relative to the waters you fish. A big fish in one lake may be 4lbs while another place might be 10lbs. So I don't think your handicapping yourself by fishing anywhere... You just need to know what size bass you are targeting. But don't expect every body of water to produce 15lb bass like stated above.
  5. H2O CRS and KVD 1.5, they are affordable and a great squarebill. Never had one break under the water but I have cracked them from accidently hitting the boat or something hard during my cast... Bomber square A's are good too, they are a tad smaller and have smaller hooks, they are more compact and run a little tighter than the KVD, a good choice for your needs.
  6. Thats bass fishing, if it bothers you so much you wanna sell your gear then this might not be the right sport for you. Not trying to sound rude
  7. My favorites are the H2O CRS, KVD 1.5, and Bomber Square A because they are all affordable and I go through squarebills like crazy...
  8. That's kinda dangerous it seems like, what if someone had their hand in the window and it rolled up automatically.... Sorry for your loss
  9. I wanna go to Erie to smallmouth fish one day! The Big-O is somewhere I would like to largemouth fish one day too...
  10. STEELERS! no? Anyone...? Just me? Okay.
  11. I don't use any spray, I use the garlic dipping dye called JJ's magic. I use it mainly for the colors the scent is just a plus, Idk if it helps make the bass bite but I do believe it can make them hold onto the bait longer.
  12. Wow thats weird, a friend of mine was just telling me they were catching reds and trout on squarebills not to long ago!
  13. There is soooo many ways to rig is you could fill a book... 1/4oz Texas rig with a 2/0 round bend hook is a great way to fish it, I like the color bruised banana the most! Throw it on a wacky rig, Texas rig, Carolina rig, shakey head, dropshot, you name it!
  14. Sharp is sharp IMO haha I guess it can never hurt to be sharper but I do fine with my cheaper hooks and eagle claws...
  15. Spinning, I won't throw line that light on a baitcaster for reason like the line digging in and its harder to manage... I will use 30lb braid though and that's 8lb diameter I believe... EDIT: it is all preference though, like Raul said use what your comfortable with....
  16. When it comes to squarebills silent and rattling both have their place, Deciding which to use has to do with conditions and can change on a day to day basis.From my experience rattles work better when the bass are active, the lake is more active like a day with high winds for example, or the water is alittle dirtier than normal. Many people think rattles help get bass to bite when they are inactive, from my experience its quite the opposite. Rattles can negatively impact your fishing, if it didn't then rattles would always be a better choice. Rattles don't directly help the bass find your lure, they kinda are a heads up to the bass. When the bass hears that rattle it alerts them and they start actively searching for the bait, it doesn't really help the bass pin point the baits actual location much. So on a day that bass and bait fish are inactive wouldn't you agree that a noisy bait would put them off more than a silent bait that sneaks right up to their nose before they know it? EDIT: And one more thing to add is the more clear the water the less prone I am to using rattles, bass in clear water are mostly sight feeders anyways and they feel less secure. So I think rattles can negativly impact clear water fishing more than dirtier water... But they still have their place in clear water.
  17. Ehh, I've always just stuck with floating ones. But to each his own, if it works for you thats all that matters!
  18. NICE! Darn good fish.
  19. When I say wide wobbling squarebills aren't very successful, I mean like your traditional wide wobble crankbait... Most squarebills have a pretty wide wobble to them actually but its more controlled IMO, if that makes any sense.
  20. The squarebill crankbait is my favorite lure by far and the lure I have the most experience in, that being said I am far from an expert at fishing them. Feel free to add to this thread or disagree with anything I say! Before you start fishing squarebills you need to know what seperates them from any other crankbait. The squarebill crankbait is designed to deflect off cover with erratic movements, it can do this because of the corners on its bill. Instead of just sliding off cover along the bill the squarebill hits cover and stays in place causing the lure to rise from its back end eventually coming over the cover, this is what makes them come through cover better than round bills because the trebles are guided away from the obstacle. Many people think that when people say they "deflect" off cover they mean the crankbait shoots off of cover and changes direction but this isnt complety true. When they deflect off cover its more of a rapid change in speed and a more minor change in direction, if they changed directions rapidly and went all over the place they would get hung up a lot more. The fact a squarebill can stay tighter to cover is why they are such a successful lure, you have to have the lure as tight to the cover as possible to get the bite because the bass doesn't go the squarebill the squarebill goes to the bass! This is why you don't see very many successful wide wobbling squarebills, because it defeats the purpose of the lure. Another thing people think a lot is that a squarebill is supposed to be like a weedless crankbait, this isn't true! While squarebills are great at coming through cover they WILL get hung up, if you are worried about getting hung up just put the lure away because you won't be a successful squarebill user. In fact if you aren't getting hung occasionally you are fishing in the wrong places! When fishing a squarebill I can not stress how important it is to come in contact with the cover your fishing. Hopefully this helps someone get a picture of what a squarebill does under the water and helps them fish it properly!
  21. I've used them, they weren't that special to me. Just another flipping and pitching lure, they did catch fish though.
  22. Copy the link from the YouTube video and paste it in your post, it should just put the video in the post automatically
  23. Sweet, great wall piece.
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