i bought a pair of bronze lens $5 berkleys from walmart recently. also bought a pair of $329 bronze maui jim. the mauis definitely r lighter and look cooler but looking thro them i swear the $5 berkleys are more clear, have better contrast and the colors r way more vibrant. i am probably sending the maui jims back
7inch berkley powerbait worm (any color)
war eagle spinnerbAit (white with dbl gold colorado blades and yamamoto grub trailer. 3/8
a number of topwaters (splash it,pencil,sammy,etc)
anyone here use these? ive seen some used ones pop up here and there. ive used the original max series and still have a 683. r the newer ones much improved over the original max line?
every now and then the clearance racks will have some good stuff- picked up yamamoto grubs for 1.40 a pack, tungsten weights for .75, some owner hooks for 1.00. as far as the usual stuff ill pick up some zoom stuff from time to time but academy is pretty much my go to store now
hit up my local tackle store thats constantly putting stuff in clearance bins. picked up a couple xcalibur xr50 in ghost color, few packs of plastics - green pumpkin copper fleck senkos,netbait baby cat amd zoom baby brush hog camo color.
lot of cool stuff. definitely see myself getting one of those duo pencil poppers and arashi walkers and those lews rods with the winn grips look sick. thinking about pre ordering that 6'10 mh from TW
darn they must be out of stock i tried putting one in my cart and check out but it said cart empty. ive got one tilapia in the rattling version but would also like to find the one knocker
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