Howdy all,
New member from NJ. I've been fishing, fishing for about 6 yrs now...ever since my son joined Boy Scouts...I was hooked (pun intended) into chaperoning the camping trips...when I asked one of the other dads what did they do on the trips it was a unanimous "FISH". So I got some gear....mostly won at Boy Scouts, trips have raffle prizes based on the derbys=fishing gear. Then the bug hit....I ended up purchasing enough lures, jig and tackle to outfit every boy in a troop of 20 boys. Most fishing is on semi large private lakes on Boy Scout land. so not a lot of fishing pressure. Bought a 14ft Porta-Bote...(look them up, amazing little fishing boat) tool around on the scout lakes all day on a full battery charge. Really enjoying the time with my son and the other scouts and scouters....guess I found my retirement hobby. I don't mean that as a slight either....I currently scuba dive in the atlantic at least once a week year round and it's starting to take a toll on my 55 yr old frame. 20lbs of tackle beats 200lbs of tanks and weights and toys. Looking forward to the group dynamics!! Hopefully pick some brains and avoid the trial and error and endless upgrades. Did I mention I have 5 telescopes??? bought one....found out after a while that there were downsides to the style, upgraded....found downsides...upgraded etc, I have one of the largest privately owned ones in the state....yeah I'm that type A personality. I can see fishing gear being just like that....trying to shortcut the wrong stuff.