I'll be making a trip down to Kinkaid Lake in southern Illinois next weekend. I know this lake is known for it's Muskie. I'll be bass fishing. Anyone know anything about this lake as far as the bass is concerned? Looks like a pretty large lake and fairly deep in some spots. I'm assuming the bass will be shallow with the spawn. Any advice? Hopefully I don't get skunked!
Im planning on going to the Lake of the Ozarks around April when I go down to put my boat up. I've never fished the lake before but have heard great things. My question is, is there any particular boat ramp that is better than others, in terms of fishing. My trip is going to only be a 1 or 2 day thing and I really don't feel like running down miles and miles on the lake.
Hey Guys,
I just ordered my first bass boat. I have 2 helix's at the console and 1 at the bow. With this being my first bass boat, i was wondering....when I buy the LakeMaster Plus SD cards, do I really need 3? Or can i get away with just one. Im not sure, so any information/suggestions is appreciated. Thanks!
Hey Guys,
I just ordered my first bass boat. I have 2 helix's at the console and 1 at the bow. With this being my first bass boat, i was wondering....when I buy the LakeMaster Plus SD cards, do I really need 3? Or can i get away with just one. Im not sure, so any information/suggestions is appreciated. Thanks!
Anyone on here ever fish devils kitchen around the southern illinois region? I'm looking for different bass lakes i can try this summer. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I had a similar problem a few years back. I caught a couple dink bass and that was it. Come to find out, it was overrun with small bass. not enough food to sustain the big boys. I harvested every little bass I caught for a whole summer. Now that little farm pond is my go to pond. Produces 5+ pounders on a daily basis. I'd say give it a try and get the small one's out in the spring
You can't go wrong with a fast M/H. Even a medium. I wouldn't use a medium power though if you are throwing some big swim baits. T-rig etc would do you just fine. I got a St.croix mojo bass and a *** black couple months back and love them. they will only run you around $100. Can't beat it.
Looking to start small mouth fishing. There's a cooling lake 10 minutes from my house. Just wondering if anyone has ever fished it or had any success.I've heard good thins about the lake. Its in southern Illinois. So I know I'm targeting a very small crowd.
I'm looking into buying an aluminum boat. There's a lot of HP restrictions where I live but I do want at least a 60 HP. If I get another motor like a 9.9 is it possible to still hook that motor up to my steering along with the 60???
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