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Everything posted by CKurtz15

  1. Hello I was on my boat fishing today and I had serious trouble getting the fish to bite. I fished lipless crankbaits, squarebill crankbaits, trick worms, spinnerbaits, and flukes. The only bait which seemed to spark interest were my flukes as there was shad in the area. I easily saw thirty bass follow my paddle tail flukes to the boat; however, I only landed four fish. Most bass would simply follow my lure to my boat and turn away. I tried five different fluke color patterns and different retrieval methods to trigger a reaction strike, but nothing made of significant difference. The only thing I can think of is that I was not using a scent. What am I doing wrong? Is there any technique I should have been trying? Any information would be appreciated! Thanks
  2. Hello, Recently, I received the "Rapala Mini Hook Remover" as a gift. According to the package, it is great for catch and release fishing; however, I could only find a few reviews of this product online. Have you ever used this device before? If you have, does it function more efficiently than needle nose pliers? Down below is a link the product on Amazon.com. Any information regarding usage (Pros/Cons) of this device would be helpful!! http://www.amazon.com/Rapala-Hook-Remover-Inch-Mini/dp/B002PIP73A
  3. Hello, I was night fishing in a pond the other day, and I kept running into a reoccurring problem with the filamentous algae in the area. This algae is not just surfaced based; it also tends to grow below the surface as well. I was using Texas rigged worms because they are weedless, but I found that the algae just engulfs the entire lure. I would retrieve the bait only to find it covered in this thick goo. This was a reccurring problem for other soft plastics as well (Swim baits, flukes, craws etc.) I also couldn't fish a buzz bait, because this Filamentous Algae would get tangled in the blade and prevent it from spinning properly. Do you guys have any lure recommendations? Was I using the lures wrong? Pole/Line Recommendations etc? Down below are picture links of the stuff I was dealing with!!! Thanks http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i263/ewestmnw/FA1.jpg http://www.noble.org/global/ag/wildlife/filamentous-algae/algae.jpg http://beaglebioproducts.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Filamentous_Algae.jpg
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