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  • Birthday 01/08/1960

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  • Gender
  • Location
    <p>Many, LA.</p>
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    <p>Toledo Bend</p>
  • Other Interests
    <p>Deer Hunting</p>

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  1. Hey All, It's been quite some time since I made my initial post here. I used to fish this lake back in the late 80's and early 90's. Cut my teeth up around Converse, A1, San Patricio, and blue lake. That was back in the day when the grass beds were good and thick in that area and the old Christmas tree was still standing. I used to do well back then, and did not have a problem finding fish. I guess since being born and raised down in Houma, La. I had a bayou/marsh mentality and was relating to what I could see. Since someone in their infinite wisdom decided to kill off all the grass; I am as lost as a bullfrog on a mountain top.
  2. I heard this morning that the fish died
  3. Bryan and Ronnie, You both pass by my shop on the way to your camps. I have the first big shop on the left of highway 1215, just before JJ's grocery. Y'all stop by and say hello
  4. Thanks for the welcome and tips Catt and Fanatic. Fished again today in the back of Lanan, caught fish all day long from first light to 1pm. A couple of 3's and the other 3 fish were 14". Had five fish to weigh for the oilmans tournament but nothing that would win. But it was a ton of fun most of the fish were cut from a mold at 13-1/2". I would say we caught upwards of 25 or better. Kept waiting for the big ones to show but no luck. Caught on a watermelon/red wave worm dipping one end in spike it chartreuse color, rigged wacky. Caught a bunch on 3/8 oz. Stanley wedge. It was a new color, can't remember the name. Skirt was chartreuse, some white and a little peach color, kind of resembled a perch. Sure beat yesterday's no fish day. I just got to start thinking like a big fish to start catching big uns I reckon.
  5. Hello all, I found this site last night. Been reading some of the post hoping to learn how to fish on Toledo bend. I have been living here for eight years now and evidently I don't know how to fish! This lake just kicks my bass, I must be snake bit. Fished San Miguel, 1215 and union bay area today. One itty bitty tight eye. Gloom despair and agony on me!! Hopefully I can pick up some good pointers from a few of you guys. Going again tomorrow, I ain't givin up.
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