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Everything posted by Choosylobster

  1. Caught these beauties at Flamingo. I will post more pics the more I go.
  2. Thanks man! I'm going to probably head to the same place tomorrow to try my luck again. Nice pea! Thanks for the tip with snook. It would be pretty cool if I could catch one.
  3. They don't let you bring a boat nor a kayak, you need to rent their paddle boat. In all honestly you really don't need it. I've never rented a boat from there. I usually go on a week day when the park is dead. Normally you'll get some people go and try to fish but they don't catch anything and leave. People normally ask me if I catch fish there and I say yeah, they look at me like it's hard to believe. The same thing goes with Wolf Lake Park, man I catch so many bass there it's not even funny. I'm just to lazy to drive up to the glades, I have a little spot I use to go to it's right by Holiday park, I call it the popper place. Man I would catch so much fish off the bank with poppers, it was crazy! I haven't been to that place in a long time. I might go this weekend coming up to check it out.
  4. I know a guy that lives in my condo that all he does is snakehead fishing. He drives up to Coral Springs to catch them. If I see him I'll ask him some questions and let you know.
  5. Let me tell you dude that Tarpon was HUGE!! I thought it was a whale (being sarcastic) but for real it was BIG! That sucker would've broke my freshwater rod if I would've hooked him. I have a saltwater fishing rod, pen reel and a uglystick rod that I'm going to take out there and see if I could catch that beast.
  6. Snook I was using X-rap but I had no luck in getting any hits. I was casting where the grass was on right hand side and no luck. do you have a picture of the crank you were using so I could go buy one.
  7. Thanks SFL, yeah their is actually some good bass there. Every time I go I catch about 10 bass in the 2-4 lb range. They tear up the 4 inch senkos, but this time I fished up those beauties with a BioSpawn Exostick pro 5inch. I was using the watermelon red flake.
  8. Good report man thanks. I've notice that the gators this year are more aggressive.
  9. Dude I had no luck in finding this place. I was right by Vista Lake Park and I thought I found the canal, but I saw no peacocks. The only activity I saw in that canal was a HUGE tarpon. And I've never hooked a tarpon before. I would like to learn how to catch them, but I have no clue. I ctrl-print the google map to show you where I was. The orange mark is where I thought the canal was.
  10. Thanks man. I'm going to go right now and try to find this canal. I went on google maps to try and figure out which one it is.
  11. Where in griffin is this location?? I live 2 min away. I would gladly appreciate it if you could share the location. Thanks man.
  12. Caught these bass today with the Biospawn Exostick. First time using them and they actually produced some decent results. I caught a total of 8 bass today.
  13. Thanks for the report Geo. On Sunday I'm going fishing in loxahatchee. My dad lives up there. He said he found this very nice spot. I will take pics.
  14. The guide should know what he is talking about. I don't think you guys are going to get sea sick from doing inshore fishing. If you are prone to sea sickness there is a little pill called dramamine it's the best thing for motion sickness. Take the pills 1 to 2 hours before going fishing and you'll see you guys will not get sea sick if you decided to go deep sea fishing. I always take the pill before going out deep sea fishing and I never get sick. You're salt water fishing so it's pretty hard to get skunked. You guys will at-least land a grunt. If your guide is good you guys should be able to catch as much fish as you can. I have never skunked in salt water.
  15. Thanks for the compliment man!
  16. Nice catches
  17. Let's see if we meet up this weekend. Let me know.
  18. I would go with a 1/16 oz weight tx rig with a 4 inch senko on a 1/0 size hook. reel it in as soon as the bait hits the water. bring it in slow and move the tip a few times. Works all the time for me.
  19. Choosylobster

    My Fishing Adventures

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