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Everything posted by missouribigbass

  1. I like to to drag a t-rigged 10 inch ribbon tsiled worm through the grass. If that doesn't work ill find the grass line and fish a 1/2oz double blade spinner. I like the 1/2 oz because of the bigger blades they have more vibration and more reflection to draw bass out of the cover and strike. Those are the two most effective ways I've found to fish heavy grass. The 10inch worm and the 1/2 oz spinner will also entice the bigger fish which I'm assuming is what you're after.
  2. Just a photo editor on my phone. I kinda like it adds a neat effect.
  3. Sounds like an adventure. Glad you got your gear back
  4. Had a storm moving in about noon so I got on the water about 10am to get a couple hrs in b4 I had to start my honey do list. Hit the water and the fish were very active. Cruft 25 bass in 2.5hrs biggest was 5lbs 7oz. Caught several in the 2-3lb range took a couple pics. All were caught on 1/2 oz white booyah buzzbaits and 1/2oz white booyah spinnerbaits. Biggest ones were all on the buzz. Here's a couple pics I took.
  5. Wow that first pic more than does that fish justice. Looks like a dd bass in the pic! Nice catch
  6. The question was technique vs bait. I didnt see anything about location. That's a given. You don't have to be a fisherman to know you can't catch what isn't there.
  7. It happens man. We've all been there. I had a good 5lber on this morning reeled him up to tight just rushing and being stupid and he ran under the boat and snapped my line.
  8. I agree with all of that.
  9. If the fish are shallow and ive thrown a buzz I'll almost always try a slower top water bait to see if a slower retrieving bait is working better. I usually try a popper or ill walk the dog.
  10. You're close on the second one, quite a ways off on the first.....
  11. Not going to reveal the weight for a couple days id like to see how many can get close to the weight via pics
  12. Took the two man out to private water and caught around 30 bass. The real ticket was 10 inch power worm. Caught a few on crankbaits but for the most part the big plastic was the ticket
  13. Caught 12 bass out of a private property watershed that weighed between 5-8lbs. We fished from sun up to sun down. Caught around 50 more between 2-4lbs. All from the bank I might add. It also happens to be where I caught my mounted fish and the biggest bass ive ever caught. Wasnt caught that day but the body of water had produced some great memories for me.
  14. These are usually pretty close. This says 7.6 and from the first pic I would say that is very close. The pics aren't great for guessing weight as they don't really show off the fish well. http://www.in-fisherman.com/2011/10/22/bass-length-to-weight-conversion-chart/
  15. North Missouri. It's a private property watershed. Just myself and a couple buddies who can fish it. And yes it's got a lot of great bass in it. I've caught over a dozen bass out of it that were 7+. Biggest was 8lb 12oz. I truly believe itll produce a 10lber eventually I just havent hooked it yet.
  16. Yes it is. Half of our catch that day was with the popper.
  17. Do you believe in the idea that swim baits catch big fish?
  18. There's no doubt it's alone. You get to fish to your strengths and don't have to accommodate anyone else. I prefer to fish with company but I have more success alone.
  19. Small structure like ponds can be a lot of fun and there are several ways to fish them effectively. At dusk and dawn try some top water action like a buzzbsit or a hoola popper. Just because they're not hitting the buzz doesn't mean they won't bite top water sometimes they want a slower retrieve and the popper often times will do the trick. Don't fish the popper to fast let it sit there for a couple seconds. I see a lot of guys fishing a popper to quickly. You can never go wrong with a basic rubber worm Texas rigged and slow dragging it. Spinnerbaits are always a good small pond lure just remember to give it a tug from time to time you'll find its more effective than a straight retrieve. Jigs? Not a big jig fisherman someone else will have to chime in.
  20. I've been fishing hats for 20yrs and I've never fished a swim bait. I would like to give it a go and I'm looking for advice on what to get and where to start. Retrieve, depth,size? Any and all help appreciated. Can you catch large numbers of fish or just looking for the big strike with the swim bait?
  21. What a day on the water. Fish were feeding like crazy. Probably caught around 50 bass between myself and a buddy. Caught six fish that weighed 5 plus with the largest tipping the scale at 7lbs 2oz.
  22. Found this little gem sitting in a barn hasn't been moved in over 9yrs. The last time it moved I was in it. Belonged to a buddy of mines dad who had a heart attack in 2005 his boys didn't care to fish but he and I used it a lot. I was up by there and just thought I'd ask his boys if it was still there they said it was so I tried to but it. That was refused but they said I could take it keep it and fish it all I like. So when the big boat is at home ill be floating around the farm ponds in this.
  23. Absolutely one of the funnest ways to fish. I love to fish out of the boat but walking out past the moss line in farm ponds and casting down the moss line is a killer way to land a lot of bass
  24. Is that coyote hunting Mike?
  25. Been yanking them out like crazy on the grape power worm
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