New member here. I just ran across the site yesterday and was very interested in posting on the forum and doing some writing for the site. I have been an avid fisherman for my whole life and during a 20+ year military career, I've had the opportunity to fish all over the world. I currently write a monthly column for a national fishing magazine that covers bass and striper fishing in the south. My home lake is Lake Lanier in northern Ga., and my wife and I love to bass fish. My primary hobby has always been making fishing tackle in my garage and using it wherever the Navy sent me. My business has been making bass and striper tackle since my retirement and I'd like to gain more knowledge about bass and their habits. Every year since buying our lake house we've been fortunate to be able to watch spotted bass and LM bass spawn around our dock and in our cove, and I've become very intrigued by there habits. One of my favorite pastimes has been helping folks learn more about fishing and I really like to share what I have learned to help others shorten their learning curve. Hopefully I'll be able to be a part of the forum, add my knowledge, and gain knowledge from others. We had a little snafu with my first couple of posts and I apologize for that. It won't happen again. Thanks for lifting my suspension and Thanks for having me!
The younger fella in my avatar is my son who, in that picture had just returned from his 3rd combat tour in Iraq and we were doing an article for an outdoor news magazine that day. I'm very proud of him and I thought it would be worth mentioning. Thanks.