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Everything posted by Hurt

  1. What site do you get your jdm rods from?
  2. Found the topic.....go look at Best Way To Get 'un-Hung'. It tells you how to do the bow and arrow technique. Very helpful!
  3. Also i think there is a tip somewhere on here that helps with getting your snags out. It's been a while since I've seen it and I could be completely wrong and might not even be on here but I think it might be called the bow technique or something like that lol. I use this technique pretty often and really helps.
  4. I can definitely understand where you're coming from as can probably everyone else who bank fishes often but rippin-lips couldn't be more correct when saying losing lures is just part of the game/process. Getting snagged is sort of like a bank fishers sonar, it tells you where the structure is, which is where you want your lure most of the time. As far as reducing your snags or better yet reducing your snags you can't get out of, there's probably not a more weedless setup than a texas rig........rigged weedless of course lol. I most of the time don't even rig mine tex posed, i just put my hook right through the middle of the soft plastic. When I am fishing around the cover and I feel a bump or tick I always pause and leave my lure stationary and wait to either feel more bumps/ticks or some tugging on my line. If I don't feel anything that resembles a bite, I let my line go slack by lowering my rod tip back down and pull back up and repeat and try lots of different angles. Also using a tungsten bullet weight helps because of the smaller profile. I know this is long lol but i hope it helps!
  5. What brand of line is it?
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