Yeah, collapsed is about the beat way to describe it. It's the same appearance like when someone is sitting in a half deflated inner tube. There are a couple screw holes in the flir from what I assume to be an attempt at adding pedestal seats. I siliconed them, but never patched them. I think I may end up getting that plastic patch kit and really giving this thing a once over.If I have the collapsing issue again, I'll take some pictures. Yesterday it happened after 45 minutes, but I'm hoping that me sealing the rail helped out. The rubrail isn't as tight and secure as I'd imagine it should be.
Thanks again for your input! I'll probably by a new rubrail just in case.
EDIT: Okay, I'm at work today, but I had my girlfriend measure the boat for me. Turns out this boat is mislabeled. I looked at a few pictures, making sure my boat was the same as the one I was buying parts for. I have a 10E. Also, I never really looked at how the rubrail looked on a new boat. The one I have is definitely a mickey mouse repair. Previous owner used rivets with Nickel-sized heads on them, every foot or so. Also, I don't think he properly glued the upper and lower sections together before replacing the rubrail.
I'll have to order the new rail and reglue this thing back together. Most likely, I'm going to pull the old rail off, clean the sections of old glue, lightly sand the area that I'm going to put the adhesive on (better grip, I hope), and then glue and clamp it together. Let it sit overnight, check out how it set, and then wait for the rubrail to arrive.