I'm not new to this site. Been on here for years...don't post too much, just read because everyone on here is probably a better bass fisher man than me. With that being said I'm probably the best out of all my friends, but when matched with a fisherman that fishes tournaments a lot I'm out classed for sure.
Also I have almost every article on here printed off...I try them all the time, just can't seem to get them to work well.
Also fish Pere Marquette Lake a little bit. Connects Lake Michigan and PM river. Supposed to be lunker smallies in there, but I would know because I'll catch 20 pike and no smallmouth. This lake is fairly clear..unique cover..old dock pilings, rock bolder shorlines, brusy shorlines with good stump/wood cover. Structure of the lake: several sharp drops with big boulders, warm water dishcarge areas, points, shallow shelf near deep water. I've tried it all but no luck. I did here alowives come into the lake and the fish get lock jaw.
The lakes I fish:
64 acre private lake. Fairly clear water, shallow shelf dropping into deeper water bottoming out at 50ft with a nice hump up to 30 between two deeper holes. Cover is scattered weedbeds in shallow water, 2 or 3 smally lilly pad fields, submerged brush in shallow water. Stucture: a nice point coming out to into the water creating a 90degree weed line (catch a lot of pike there). In the spring I can catch 2-5lb bass in there. Maybe it's over fished lately, but I can't buy a nice fish in the summer time.
Hamlin Lake (northern Michigan)
Large lake with slight stained water. This lake has good cover all around it. Contains small and largemouth. Upper hamlin is weedy and shallow, lower Hamlin is weedy/ stumpy in shallows and much deeper. Again in the spring and fall fishing is good, but come summer time it's tough. I have caught smallies in 30 feet of water with jig and minnow combo, but haven't spent too much time. 1lb-6lb fish in this lake, but again..tons of pike and other species that nail your bait. I really love this lake because of the variety, but it would be nice to go out and target largemouth and actually catch some, not just a bunch of hammer handle pike. >