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Everything posted by JasonRE

  1. Thanks bro! I'll definitely look into that site.
  2. Looking to purchase some deep-diving crankbaits. Anyone know of a great place to buy with discounts or better prices than going straight to Academy or BassPro? Also, what do you guys use when it comes to these (colors, size etc)? I am fishing in stained water, usually visible up to about a foot below surface here in Lafayette LA, Henderson mainly. Thanks!
  3. WIGuide, I was just shopping in Academy and picked up what I thought was the correct rig for bass. Can you even use this while fishing bass or is this more for crappie? Was going to take the bait off the bottom and add a weight to fish the bottom.
  4. Bassguytom, Thanks for the feedback sir! So you're talking about just tying my bait directly to my line? No weight or anything? The only other rig I was going to try was a Carolina rig. Thanks again!
  5. Raul, Thanks for the input. Will take a run to academy and see what I can find.
  6. Grizzn, I am not sure, the package just says single drop. Was going to try bass or crappie with it. I think the bottom need a weight too. I'll have to rig my bait so it doesn't get hung up. Fishing in Southern Louisiana.
  7. Is this how you rig a single drop? Also what do you guys think about these baits for bass and crappie? Thanks! First time bass fisher trying to learn the ropes.
  8. Yeah it's tough sometimes. I'm gonna run to academy tonight. Any specifics I should pick up? I tried fishing the banks and under overhanging trees in the shade. It's going to be in the 80s this weekend so hopefully the water is a tad bit warmer. I honestly don't care about landing a huge bass or a ton of them. Just a few and some bites would be nice to make me feel more secure in what I'm doing. I just don't think my rigging is right. I'd love a bunch of pictures that show me how my setup should be. Same for crappie......
  9. Reb67, thanks. I love fishing. I dont' care about sitting in my boat because to me, that's the relaxing part. So I have plenty of patience. It's just not knowing how to rig my line, what to try and not to try and where to hit the fish at.
  10. Yes sir. Good ole Louisiana. I tried hitting up some bass last weekend and lost 2 crankbaits and my top water frog. Ugh, but being a newbie I'll learn how to fix my issues as I go. I hit a couple of cuts off the main water and fished the banks and grassy areas. Nothing touched my bait. All I had was a crankbait tied on the end of my line and that's it. I loved the movement, but not sure if I was rigged up right. I just need to have the right set up. Fish were ALL around me breaking the surface, but not one touched my lures.
  11. Looking for some fellow bass fishers in the Louisiana area around Lafayette. Thinking of hitting up Henderson this weekend but not sure if bass is still good fishing right now. Any thoughts or fishing reports from there lately? Thanks!
  12. Looking to purchase guide poles for my trailer. I want to make absolutely sure that they fit my trailer before ordering so what's my best option? I have a 18' Skeeter with original trailer.
  13. I actually bought the rod with line on the reel already done. THANK GOD lol Not lazy, just ignorant Thanks for the help Delaware!
  14. I am looking for videos or images on how to feed the line, once on the reel, up through the eyelets. I've seen open the bale, and feed the line through the eylets. BUT, there is the little metal piece on one side of the bale that has a guide on it, like a roller. Do I feed the line onto there first? I tried it last weekend and got my line all entangled inside the spinner portion and under the reel. A video would be GREAT! Thanks!
  15. The only problem I think is that bass are coming out of spawn I think it's time for bream fishing now. Weather is supposed to get down to 30 Wednesday evening. That's pretty darn cold for South LA. Wonder if I should waste any more time fishing bass this year and try bream?
  16. I bought a couple of top water lures. Got a frog, and a bomber lure crankbait almost like a crawfish red color. Also picked up some spinners and a few 5" Senkos (Yamamoto). Brought my brother-in-law, father and nephew (7 years old). Needless to say, bass fishing didn't last long. Kid got bored, didn't scout much before going out, but still could have given it more time. Oh well, maybe this weekend I'll go out again and strictly stay on my troller. Caught a couple of catfish but nothing worth writing home to mom about. Went out about 7:30 am, and the wind was horrible. Found a couple of cuts but again, 45 mins to an hour off fishing won't cut it. I loved the way the bomber lure moved in the water. The side to side motion really was neat to see. Really wish I would have thrown the frog in a few times to see what happened.
  17. WOW! Thanks for all of the great replies, and advice! I will definitely be hitting up Academy or Walmart tonight! haha Can't ever have TOO much gear, right? The weather has been great here and since Spring just jumped on us, the water temps should be great for bass spawning. It's been a LITTLE chillier than normal here in Louisiana though, with temps still dipping down in the 40s and 50s at night, which in April is VERY uncommon. I'll try most of, if not all of the suggestions above and see what happens this weekend! Hopefully I'll have some pictures of some nice bass to put up! Thanks again everyone! Appreciate the help!
  18. Thanks guys. I appreciate the information. Heck, I don't care about being overwhelmed lol I just want to fish! The water is calling my name.
  19. Ok, I have never fished for bass before. I typically fish bottom feeders like cats here in Louisiana. It's easy, cast, sink your bait and wait. I want a challenge. I want fun, and I think bass fishing could be it. I have NO clue what to get at the store for bass fishing. Do I need a specific pole? If so, does Walmart carry enough of a starter type pole to get me on board? Lures.......wow I know there are a LOT of choices but what's a good lure to use for bass fishing? Or at least, one of the best that you guys/gals use? Lastly, I've heard live bait is pretty decent as well. What live bait do you use? Please forgive the lame questions but I am getting excited about the upcoming fishing trips in my new boat. Used to have a small 14' alweld but now have a nice 17' Skeeter with troller. Any help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks all!
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