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About bassfreek152

  • Birthday 09/24/1997

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    <p>Rockton, IL</p>
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    <p>Pleasant Lake in Waushara County Wisconsin
    Pierce Lake in Rockford
    South Branch of Kiswaukee River in Rockford</p>
  • Other Interests
    Catfishing occasionally</p>

bassfreek152's Achievements


Fry (1/9)



  1. What is up with companies not having a left handed model in every gear ratio?! So far, besides the Orra Winch, I can't find a reel with a lower gear ratio in a left handed model
  2. The things I have trouble with are fishing deep crankbaits, and I'm just starting to learn how to effedtively fish Texas Rigs. Time will tell if I can be successful with it! I'll tell you one thing though, the videos here on bass resource have really helped me turn what were once weaknesses into what are now strengths. Dropshotting for instance
  3. Why exactly would you guys pick the Curado over the Citica? What is the difference? I mean obviously the Curado is at a higher price point so there's gotta be something that sets it ahead, but what exactly is it?
  4. Hey guys, I'm looking for a new reel to add to my arsenal in that mid range 6.1:1-6.5:1 area in the $125 to $175 price range. Keeping in mind that I get a 20% employee discount at Gander Mountain. Which reel out of the three listed in the topic would you pick, and if you have any other suggestions please list them too! Thanks for all the help in advance!
  5. I think the mental part is something that I have down to a science because of my wrestling career. Mike Iaconelli talks about how fishing is mainly a mental sport all the time. So I think it's just a matter of learning, sharpening and executing my skills. Thanks for bringing it up though! The mental side of things is unlike that of nearly any other sport
  6. Thanks for the advice everyone.
  7. I've been fishing for my entire life but just began to get serious about it in the past few years. I am now completely hooked (please excuse the pun). I want to start fishing tournaments but I'm completely at a loss for what I should have in the way of gear to begin fishing competitively. Is there any must haves and ideas for how to begin. Thanks to everyone who responds!
  8. Anybody from the Northern Illinois Rockford Area? Haven't taken the time to go through the 85 pages to find someone! And if so does anyone know of the areas fishing club and their requirements for membership?
  9. I'm a student from Northern Illinois. I fell in love with bass fishing as a child at a small lake in Waushara County, WI. Although the sport isn't huge around my area, I frequently am online watching videos and trying new techniques out wherever I can get a line in the water. I've become a student of the sport and I still love it just as much as I did after my first big fish.
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