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Everything posted by Scoob13

  1. Not sure if this is allowed or not. If not, I will delete. Anyone looking for for some new gear? Got a St. Croix Legend Tournament Medium 6’7” spinning rod with a Pflueger Patriarch 30 reel. Looking for $250 Also have a G Loomis Worm and Jig Medium 6’7” spinning rod with a Pflueger Patriarch 30 reel. Looking for $250 Located in Germantown, MD
  2. Anyone have any good spots on the Potomac in or near Montgomery county for bank fishing for smallies?
  3. Where are all the fish! I've been out to Black Hills to bank fish a few times and cannot catch a thing. Fished both the corner by the bridge on 121 and around the boat launch. Just like last year, I can't catch a cold. Looking for some good bass fishing in or near Montgomery County. Anyone care to share some good spots? I'd like to find a good lake and maybe somewhere on the Potomac that I can bank fish. Any help is much appreciated!
  4. Managed to pull this little guy (33") out of the Chesapeake yesterday on a work trip.
  5. I was at Black Hills last night. The water is definitely high! I went to one of the same spots I went last time and was standing just about 15 feet out away from my last trip. Water is a little muddy but I'm used to that from fishing in Ohio. I only spent about an hour and was able to pull this little guy out. I don't have a scale but I'd say maybe 2-3 lbs. Not bad for the first fish I've ever caught in Maryland.
  6. Thanks! I'll give it a try.
  7. Ha I didn't even notice that. You guys keep your secrets close don't you?
  8. Anybody have some pointer for both Black Hills and the Potomac? I went to Black Hills Saturday and Sunday and was skunked. Not sure if I am fishing the "right" spots. Tried everything from spinner baits, flukes, buzz baits, crank baits, and senkos. Below is a map of the park and the red is where I was fishing. If someone could mark up some other spots that would be fantastic! My other question is about the Potomac, where is a good place to park and bank fish? I was thinking of going over to White's Ferry and trying there. Any thoughts?
  9. Here's to hoping for no rain today to fish after work!!!
  10. Brian, Thanks for the tip. I'm actually hoping to head over there tonight and give it a shot. Any advice on where in the lake to shore fish?
  11. Hey what's going on fellas? I just moved to Germantown, MD in January and now that the weather is finally turning its time to start fishing. I lived in Pittsburgh before moving here and would spend at least 5 days a week fishing different lakes, ponds, and rivers. Now that I am down here I have read a lot of good stuff on places to fish but would like a little more info. Where are some good large mouth spots near Germantown? Also, I've never fished for stripper before and would like to give that a shot if I can get an idea of where to go on the Potomac or Monocacy. I read Seneca is hit or miss so just kind of looking for some more spots. I do not have a boat (although I can dream) so all my fishing is done from the shore.
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