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  1. I have a question for anyone who might have experience with this scenario. I sometimes fish behind the dam at a lake where the water is released. The release seems to vary and it affects the fishing. What I'm wondering is if a high water flow for weeks could flush out fish altogether. We've been to this area a few times in the last few months and it's always been decent but lately it's been nothing. No bites at all. This past weekend we took the Lowrance out and it was bleak. Didn't see one group of fish except what looked to be a cloud/school of small fish. We did see a few carp breaking but as far as bass, not a one in sight. We know how to find and catch fish. Could they have just gone downstream? FYI the actual water area is about 3/4 of a miles long and maybe 300' across at it's widest part. I imagine the heavy release days could ruin a spawn too. Bummer I must add that at the furthest point downstream there is a cove and to the right a slight waterfall where all water released continues to flow downstream. It's roughly 50-60 feet wide at the mouth. It is shallow at that point and when the flow is low it isn't an area that most fish would veer through as there is a rock line. But when the release is high it's a full flow downstream flow... Thanks for your opinion
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