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Everything posted by dragulagto

  1. This one was in Alabama. Logan Martin lake.
  2. So a couple weeks ago, went fishing with a friend. As we were idling back to the ramp we heard something overhead only to look up and see a small drone directly over us. Only about 30' above us and it was obviously focusing on us as it followed us for a short time. I actually found the guy that was operating it on the local Facebook forum. He does a lot of aerial drone pics and videos of the lake and he admitted he was the one following us although he said he wasn't recording at that particular time. It didn't really bother us at the time but I'm not real sure that I like the idea of one of those "stalking" me. Lol I'm curious if others have had that happen or how do you feel about it? I mean I know they are out there during tournaments especially televised or pro tourneys. Thanks!
  3. So how did you do? We fished LM last Friday afternoon and early evening. Mostly got rained on but caught a few. Nothing of any real size though.
  4. Out of the blue I lose World Fishing Network and the Sportsman channel! I call them up and their response? "Yes we no longer carry those networks, thank you and have a good day". Can't get some of my favorite fishing shows now! Thanks Charter! Sorry, had to vent. Guess it's time to call DirectTV
  5. Oh okay. Thanks for the info! I've watched quite a few of these MLF tourneys and never knew that was a penalty.
  6. Here is a pic of whatever he dropped. I circled it. He still has the bass in his left hand. Maybe it was a shad or smaller bass.
  7. Hey all, I'm watching this tournament right now and about thirty minutes into in round two Jacob Wheeler pulls in a fish, swings up never even getting close to the carpet. While he's standing up with the fish in one hand trying to get the lure out of its mouth he drops something and says "Aaahh! I already know it!". And then the fish landing penalty banner pops up. But he NEVER dropped the fish. I rewound it several times and I can't see what he dropped. It looks like a smaller fish. But he never dropped the bass. Did anyone else see this? I don't have a clue why he got a fish landing penalty. Can he get that penalty for dropping something else? Or if the bass spits out a shad? #confused
  8. Yea I have a bass boat so I usually go to LM. But LM is not the safest place for a kayak. You'll get run over there. Lol When it warms up I intend to fish the cahaba some out of the kayak.
  9. Lol! No doubt Sam! Merry Christmas all!
  10. Just out of curiosity, it sounds like you are referring to Lake Purdy. If so, message me please. I'm looking for places to kayak fish as I just started doing that.
  11. Fished on Logan Martin in Alabama yesterday. One of the fish that I caught had about a six inch Lamprey stuck to it's dorsal fin. I was surprised at how much blood it could draw through the fin. Note the red spot on it's fin in the attached pic. Wondered if anyone else has see these things on Logan Martin. This is my first encounter with one however I have caught fish with these red sores on them before. So maybe they had Lampreys stuck to them but got pulled off when I reeled them in. I hope these things don't start hurting the population. Nasty looking thing!
  12. Hey all, Going fishing Friday on a local heavy pressured lake in Alabama. There's a cold front coming in and high temps forecasted in the low 80's Friday. Woohoo! Did I mention its July and this is Alabama? Lol Of course some rain will be ahead of the cold front and probably even some on Friday. I've been hitting the weed beds in the back of creeks early in the morning. Pre-sunrise. And having good luck but I'm thinking that the rain, cooler temps and probability that the dam will be open (current), that maybe I should change my strategy for Friday? Plan to be on the water before sunrise again. Any advice? Opinions? Are greatly appreciated!
  13. Thanks for the responses! I appreciate any info! Normally I would ask the "director" but this is a small local charity tournament and the people that are putting it on don't really have much experience. I should probably leave it at that. I probably wouldn't get involved normally but they've asked for my participation and I'm happy to help out since its raising money for charity. I generally prefer to fish at my own schedule which doesn't normally start with waking up at 4am. Lol! I just wanted to kind of hear what is common practice so I wouldn't step too far outside of normal procedures.
  14. Hello all, I've been reading all over the forums but haven't really found an answer to my question. I just started bass fishing last year at 44 years old after a pretty bad motorcycles accident permanently ended that hobby. I've gotten addicted and will be fishing my first small local tournament next weekend. A friend will be my co-angler and it will be his first tournament too. I have a few questions regarding the logistics of the take off and weigh-in specifically. 1.) I have a place on this particular lake and a private boat ramp. Is it generally not allowed to arrive at the take off location in my boat? Or is the general rule of most tournaments is that everyone is expected to launch from the same ramp, at the take off? 2.) Weigh-in is at 3pm. Does that mean I have to have my boat out of the water and standing in line by 3? 3.) Is it normal practice to leave the fish in the live well until the boat is on the trailer and its time to weigh in? Or can I park my boat at the dock out of the way and load my bag from there? Sorry if some of these questions sound dumb but I can't seem to get myself away from fishing on a Saturday to watch a local weigh-in to see what people normally do. Thanks for the help!
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