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West Tennessee Bass. Man

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About West Tennessee Bass. Man

  • Birthday 08/12/1946

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Gibson County Lake Tennessee
  • Other Interests
    Reading about bass fishing

West Tennessee Bass. Man's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. Folks I got the members map to work on my laptop. It still won't work on my smartphone. Maybe the file is too big. Anyone else have this problem? CAN YOU SEE ALL MEMBERS OR JUST YOUR FRIENDS?
  2. Anyone know the New Johnsonville area thinking about going up there for a day. I fished it many years ago but haven't been there lately. Any know this area.
  3. My fishing partner and I have fished Gibson County lake a lot and have had very little luck. Yeah we catch some small ones but have not caught any thing over about 2 lbs. We have thrown everything in our tackle at these fish and can't seem to get them to bite. We find large schools of according to our fish finders. And they just won't hit anything. Anyone that fishes this lake have any clues to what we should be doing? Any advice would be appreciated. It's gotten so bad we are thinking about changing our home lake.
  4. Great fishing you will be close to Reelfoot. Lake. We have a lot of lakes in the area some small some medium and Mississippi River Tennessee River. If you move get in touch and I will share more information.
  5. Thanks Folks I should have known that the C-Rig was the Carolina Rig. LOL I feel stupid now.
  6. I have to admit that I have never heard or seen a c-Rig. Can someone please explain what it is . How do you fish it.
  7. Great stuff guys. I look forward to meeting all of you some day.
  8. Welcome I'm from just out of Jackson. My brother fishes Lake Gram spelling? He has caught some 7-8 lbs out of there. Also Gibson County lake Carroll County lake. Humboldt lake it's a little smaller and not as big fish although I've heard of 8-10 lbs coming out of the lake. I would be remiss not to mention Reel foot lake a lot of stumps but good fishing. I would be glad to friend you on this and when my partner is tied up go out with you We can swap fish stories and lake conditions.
  9. Gibson County has some monster's but they are extremely difficult to catch . It is expected the next state record will come from there. YOU didn't mention Carroll County lake. It is a new lake but they stocked it well and delayed the opening. I hear of 5 6 lbs coming out of there.
  10. Went to one of our local TWRA. Lake today outside temperature 60 degrees. Water very stained water temperature 61 degrees. We have fished this lake many times and thought we could find the bass. We ran the lake 5th hours and didn't find any large schools of bass.They seemed to disappear over the winter. We ran shallows and deep water, coves etc. .I don't know what we were doing wrong. I finally caught one bass off of point. We did see fish just not in great numbers. We saw pods of bait fish but only 2 or three bass around the pods. Any ideas.
  11. Hey guy i live in West Tennessee. Will Be Fishing Carroll County some. Stay in touch and we can share information.
  12. My partner and I will be fishing this lake soon. Let me know how you do.
  13. Really good advice here folks. It depends on the circumstances Generally the overhead hook set with a pause is the best way to get the set . But if you are trolling and get hit the modified overhead hook has worked for me This is sweep the rod away from the bite and then up.
  14. Sure you have to take into account the conditions of the day but if you don't pre plan with the knowledge you have of the lake you are also making a mistake. If you have fished a lake long enough and pre plan with weather reports and other known conditions. Why then keep records of your trips.
  15. Thanks folks. My upper right corner started working.
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