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About RUSS9999

  • Birthday 11/02/1963

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Kirksville Mo.
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Forrest Lake at Thousand Hills State Park Mo. and Thomas Hill Reservoir Mo.

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  1. 1/2'' PVC, put a male adapter on it, drill hole in finder, put nut on bottom side
  2. If I understand it right 6 amps is 6% an hour and 10 amps 10% an hour and 15 amps 15% an hour. I would have went with the 10 amp Duel Pro, but did not have the room for it in the boat and when I got it everyone said to get it over Minn Kota or ProMariner
  3. After 8 hours of fishing about 4 hour to charge them.
  4. Duel Pro RealPro 18 amp 3 bank is 10.25 long, 6.5 wide, 3'' tall $218.95 I went with it for the same reason it could not be over 4'' tall. I fish all day and the batteries are back to 100% in a few hours, long before the next morning.
  5. If you have the room put 2 batteries in it for the TM and use all 3 leads so you will have a longer running time on the TM.
  6. Dual pro. Got It from ''Battery Mart'' free shipping and I think no tax. Was a lot less then all the other places I look.
  7. You will like the bungees. Leave the screw a little loss so you can swing them up against the side of the boat away from the rods when you are fishing.
  8. Yes Thousand Hills is fished a lot harder then Thomas Hill . They see a lot of baits. Most of the time it seems like I can do the same thing every time at Thomas Hill and Thousand Hills is different every day. I am always looking for a bait they have not seen. Bomber Model A was the crankbait they wonted a lot of days last Spring in May.
  9. Yes and Forest Lake at Thousand Hill State Park. The day it gave brown and orange was at Forest lake
  10. I have a color selector. The only time I use it is when I can not get a bite. It has turned a day with no fish in to a day with lots of fish for me many times over the years. Me and a friend was on the water for 5 hours one day and had 1 bass. We sowed them just about everything in every color. I put it in the water, it said brown and orange. We both went to brown and orange cranks and it was a bass about every cast the rest of the day.
  11. Sorry, guess I was of no help. In South Mo it would be different. The Bullet would bring a lot more and The X18 would need a 150 on it and so would my Lowe 180W. So yes I don't know if $8000 is to much for the 2005 Tracker where he is at.
  12. North Mo. has a lot of little lakes that or 10hp, one that is 90ph. That H18 is gold with a 90 on it. With the 115 they would take 115 off the hood and but 90 on it and hope they didn't get a 200$ fine. Anything with a 60 to 90hp is what they all are looking for. No I am not a Tracker fane, did have a flat bottom 83 Tracker Tx with a 75 that I sold for $4400 ''not much of a boat'' now have a Lowe 180W with a 90 that I made a 2 day trip for
  13. Take the 115 off the H18 and put a 90 on it, then it would be $10,000
  14. Here in north Mo. you would have given $8500 or more for the Xpress H18 and $6500 or less for the bullet 21XDC The 2005 Tracker $7500 or more
  15. I think the 12 volt 55lb is all you need. My 2002 Lowe 180W is 17' 10'' 86'' beam rated for a 150 have a 90 on it, 2 batteries 10 speeds Trolling Motor and all most never get over the second speed. It takes a lot of wind to turn it up to the 4th speed. At the end of a 8 hour day I have 75% or more left in the batteries. I like moving my foot control from right to left
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