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Everything posted by Fishingmickey

  1. Reposting in the correct thread this time: I will chunk my two cents in the pot. My winter bass fishing rule of thumb. Back in the day when I fished a lot. I fished 45 days straight in the winter (Dec, Jan, and Feb. here) and I came up with a pattern that works for me in Texas. The cold front blows through. The first two days after the front don't even bother, It's cold and windy. They ain't biting. The third day they start biting again and it bite continues improving until the next front rolls in. This was fishing the same water each time. I had a little gravel ramp where I'd launch my 12' Sears Ted Williams semi-vee with a trolling motor on the bow and a dead 9.9 Wizard motor on the back to keep it (from wind vane-ing) tracking. I would launch the boat and put the troller on two and tossed a spinner bait next to every piece of cover, through every lily pad opening and under and along the docks. Anything that might look like it would hold a fish, I'd hit it while going down the bank. Fish one side and then I'd cross over and come back down the opposite bank. My weapon of choice was a 6'6" Shimano Bullwhip with a Shimano Bantam Mag 4:1 reel with 14# Berkley XL 14#. Lure of choice was either a Chartruese or White Strike King double bladed spinner bait tied on. Short accurate casts, I'm a lefty and throw righty. I can start that spinner bait's blades turning just as it hits the water. I swear that some of those bass would see it coming and hit the instant the bait hit the water. I still think my theory would hold true today. Cold front blows through, blue bird skies, high pressure moves in, cold temps, cold winds out of the north and by day three the wind starts to lay or starts coming out of the south again and they are eating again. FM
  2. Wrong thread... Ooops
  3. I will chunk my two cents in the pot. My winter bass fishing rule of thumb. Back in the day when I fished a lot. I fished 45 days straight in the winter (Dec, Jan, and Feb. here) and I came up with a pattern that works for me in Texas. The cold front blows through. The first two days after the front don't even bother, It's cold and windy. They ain't biting. The third day they start biting again and it bite continues improving until the next front rolls in. This was fishing the same water each time. I had a little gravel ramp where I'd launch my 12' Sears Ted Williams semi-vee with a trolling motor on the bow and a dead 9.9 Wizard motor on the back to keep it (from wind vane-ing) tracking. I would launch the boat and put the troller on two and tossed a spinner bait next to every piece of cover, through every lily pad opening and under and along the docks. Anything that might look like it would hold a fish, I'd hit it while going down the bank. Fish one side and then I'd cross over and come back down the opposite bank. My weapon of choice was a 6'6" Shimano Bullwhip with a Shimano bantam mag 4:1 reel with either a Chartruese or White Strike king double bladed spinner bait tied on. Short accurate casts, I'm a lefty and throw righty. I can start that spinner bait's blades turning just as it hits the water. I swear that some of those bass would see it coming and hit the instant the bait hit the water. I still think my theory would hold true today. Cold front blows through, blue bird skies, high pressure moves in, cold temps, cold winds out of the north and by day three the wind starts to lay or starts coming out of the south again and they are eating again. FM
  4. It's a lot. If I were a guessing man the 5000 would be close to 150-160 of 20# and 190-200 yards of 15# big game. The 6000 probably 200 yards of 20# big game. I don't think it is much different then the capacity of 5500 or 6500 Abu's. It all depends on the line diameter. FM
  5. I am the same as most of the above crowd, Chatterbait - always trailer, Spinner bait - no trailer. FM
  6. I've gotten both shots. Not much reaction for the first shot that I remember. The second shot I had swelling on the injection sight and it was like the muscle under the skin hardened. It was 3-4" circle under the skin for about a week or so and very sore. Other then that I maybe felt a little crappy the first couple of days after getting the shot. I'm glad I got it done though. FM
  7. Off the top of my head. I think they are about 18" and it is a five piece. Subject to change on validation. FM
  8. I did visit the original Cabelas store in Sidney long ago. I used to have that same fascination with the Cabelas catalog that others have expressed. They had everything! From fly tying, to sinker molds, traps, scents, archery stuff and it was glorious! I visited the Cabelas store in Buda, TX. semi regularly. When the merger with Bass Pro happened. It killed Cabelas. I almost never stop. They have quit stocking or reducing the selection of the major brands of tackle. All it is now is rows of Bass Pro branded crap. Might as well not even call it Cabelas any more. So sad. FM
  9. Yes, I have one. I like it very much so far. I haven't fished it much, it's one of my travel rods. Beautiful craftsmanship, fine bit of kit from Japan. FM
  10. I'm with ya on the kayak, Koz. I've seen the park it done with spot lock. But I don't think that's for me. I have seen the back the (flat bed w/PVC guides) trailer into the water and drive up with spot lock and then they get out and walk it the rest of the way on to the trailer. I think I have the same Malone trailer as you do. I rig my kayak on the trailer and I use a 30' bow line and tie a loop in the end to go over the winch bar and rig the line to pay out as I float it off the trailer. Then I either tie it at the dock or beach it away from the ramp.
  11. Order now if you want it by July. FM
  12. I had a hunch that might be the case. FM
  13. Great choice, A-Jay! Let me know if you decide to sell those Calcutta "D"s :). FM
  14. Code is still working. Orochi 2 perfect pitch is on the way.
  15. I fish them pretty regular in my kayak especially in the winter. I use a medium/fast 6'10" rod w/12# fluoro for them and I do the jerk (sitting) with the rod out horizontally. The tip is maybe a couple of feet off the water. FM
  16. I believe that they/Shimano build the rods as a unit with top and bottom sections mated together in the manufacturing process. That prevents them from selling either tops or bottoms separate. I know that's not the answer you want to hear. I hope you can get it repaired or replaced. Good luck, FM
  17. I got the email too... I have four bags on the way. Thought they would worked light T-rigged or on a jika rig crawled along the bottom. One of the Texas lakes is notorious good for using water dogs as bait. I still haven't found where to by them (the water dogs). FM
  18. I've broken a few. I try not to count. Some by stupidity (stepped on or door closed) and some by accident. FM
  19. Seldom/Never - It's a flash and blade thump thing with me. FM
  20. I'll refrain from comment...
  21. I'm in the same boat as Koz is, Gimruis. If you don't have the time to you can't advise that he needs to spend more time pre-fishing. It just isn't there. So you spend your time in map study and try to get an idea for where to fish on Tourney day. FM
  22. Swim baits - shad imitation - white, silver and both with a dark back. Worm's - Strike King's Blue fleck, purple/plum, green pumpkin, pumpkin seed. Jig's - PBJ, Green pumpkin, Black/blue FM ps - I do try bubble gum and merthiolate in the spring (back of coves, and high water/new water conditions) in both, worms and the rarely thrown Senko.
  23. Be careful out there, hypothermia is no joke deadly. Got a dry suit? FM
  24. Awesome sauce, SG! That is truly a incredible achievement! That person that was saying that about three pounders is just jelly. I'm already looking forward to another Maine trip next fall. Best regards, Fishingmickey
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