Hello all, don't mean to vent but well...I need to vent lol
My process of registering my small Bass Hunter has been nothing short of a nightmare.
Just a caution for all, if you buy a used boat MAKE SURE IT WAS REGISTERED by the previous owner.
I bought my boat used from a gentleman who owned a private pond and used it on his own property so the boat was not registered. Which is completely legal. I go to the local DMV to register the boat and that is when the nightmare began. I called the office to find out how to register it and was told I would have to contact the Marine Police since it was unregistered. I call the police and they ask me why I am calling them because its the dmv's job to decide if they want to register it or not. So I call the DMV back and tell the lady what they said. She says ok come on in and we will go from there. As long as I had the bill of sale I would be fine.
Well I arrive at the dmv and I provide the paperwork that I have. I was told that my bill of sale was not enough I had to have records of the previous registration. Well I explained to her that it wasn't previously registered and that I called earlier and was told it would be ok as long as I have the bill of sale. Even though it clearly states on the bill of sale that the boat was not previously registered she tells me its not good enough. I have to take the registration application form to the guy I bought it from and have him state on there that it wasn't registered and why.
Heres the thing, the guy is gone. He moved and thats why he sold me the boat. I explained this to her as well and she says call the Marine Police and give them the hull number and they will say whether or not it was registered. So again, right in front of her this time, I call the Marine Police and they explicitly say there is no record of the boat ever being registered but its the DMV who will make the determination as to whether or not they will let me register it now.
DMV says that I must then have a record of the boat being purchased from the store from like 10 years ago when it was first bought by the guy since its unregistered. Again I say I dont have contact with him he is gone. So I am told that I cannot register it without that.
I am honestly about to just scrap the boat and count my losses and buy a fishing kayak. I would sell it but I dont want to put anybody through the hell I am going through.
Any suggestions? I understand policy but there is no reason why it should be this difficult to register a 10' plastic boat.