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About skeeter1980

  • Birthday 07/24/1949

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Milford Delaware
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Other Interests
    Nascar,grilling and smoking on my smoker/grill

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  • About Me
    I started bass fishing in the 80's.I belonged to a club,and made Delaware's eight man team,My best friend in the club,took his own life,and I couldn't deal with it.I sold my boat,quit the club,and fish for fun with my son and my grandson.My son wants us both to fish tournaments,but I don't have it in me anymore.This is like starting all over again.What with new rods,reels,lines,lures,etc etc etc,on the market.So much to learn.I'm just now learning how to use a baitcaster.

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  1. I thought he was talking about the Last Frontier TV sHOW.LOL,iSN'T THAT THEIR NAME?
  2. On my 1980 merc.115,where is the by pass screw?I don't see it anywhere.If I unscrew one of the screws on the cylinder it lets out the oil,which will allow the motor to go up and down manually.That's the only screw I see.
  3. I have 3 switches,but only one works.Whoever had the boat before,gutted the wires,so only one switch on the console wiil move the motor.
  4. A few months back I posted that my 1980 merc,would not go up or down.After a few suggestions from on here,my friend rebuilt both cylinders.It worked in the driveway,but when I got on the lake,motor wouldn't move.This month my friend took the pump apart,it was full of gunk.So he cleaned it and it worked fine.While sitting in the driveway,i'd try the pump,every few days.The motor went up and down fine.This past Friday,I went fishing,and tried the motor before I left.Worked fine,got on the water,and motor wouldn' t move.Now from my house to the lake about 15 miles,what the heck,could have happened?
  5. My friend just left,after checking the pump.Fluid is fine.He's going pull the pump apart and look it over.Might have to rebuild it.
  6. I finaly got the money to buy the repair kits,and my friend did the work.After he finished the motor went up and down,no problem.A few days later,I tried it,still working fine.Last week I tried the motor,it's still working.Monday evening while getting the boat ready for Tues.,I tried it again.Hey motor going up and down.Tues.morning got on the lake,yep you guessed it,motor won't move.I hear the pump running,but that's all.Any guesses on what's going on? Thanks,Bill
  7. Thanks for the replies.I checked yesterday,one of the cylinders is leaking.I searched the net,and finally found a rebuilt kit,for it.I'm going doing both cylinders,for $106.00.
  8. Last month my old 1980 Merc.,wouldn't go up or down.I didn't know you had to put oil in it.So after putting oil in the pump,it worked fine.This past Fri.,while night fishing,the motor worked fine.On sunday again the motor wouldn't move.Could it be time to get a new pump?
  9. Ham,turkey and cheese sandwich,on a poppy seed roll.Cheese crackers,plenty of water,if it's in the am,i bring cawfee.
  10. Been raining all week in Delaware,with wind and low temps.
  11. Maybe they were watching the Golf Channel.LOL
  12. I went out fishing on Saturday,and tried using super glue,to hold my trailer on.After about five casts,the trailer started slipping down again.Is there anything else,that might work?
  13. Believe it or not,I don't curse,get mad or throw rods.What's the point?Now back when I was in a club,well that's a different story.Lol
  14. On a swimjig,I love a blk/blu space monkey.On a swim bait,why are you putting on a trailer?
  15. Do these fit over your reg.glasses?
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