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About BassinBobSmith

  • Birthday 12/29/1959

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  • Gender
  • My PB
    Between 11-12 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Guntersville, AL or local to me Choctawhatchee River in Florida.
  • Other Interests
    Dirt Track Racing, Photography, videography, writing

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  1. I've been in Layton on and off for the past 2 years, this trip is likely to be up to a year long. I've got a couple spots I fish from the bank but would love to hook up with someone with a boat - sharing expenses naturally. So, if anyone is interested in doing some bassin' with a very well versed Florida angler please feel free to drop me a note. Returning on the 24th of Aug and staying until.....
  2. All good info guys. But something I've also noticed is that when the wind is blowing and the water choppy the spinnerbait will generally outfish the chatterbait shallow, whereas when its clear and calm the chatterbait seems to be the better of the two. I like a Zoom Swimming Fluke as a trailer probably 80 percent of the time, normally use the 3/8 - 1/2 ounce bladed jigs, going back and forth between Z-Man and Rage Blade. The Rage Blade does seem to be more resistant to hanging up though, maybe because the weight is on the bottom of the blade and not behind it. I also keep a lot of different skirts in the boat and change them to match the conditions when I need to. Fish them, have faith in them, and they'll catch fish. Took me a while before I started using them and I regret not jumping on the bandwagon when it first rolled out
  3. Been a dedicated Power Pro user for years. The price is right, but it's a top notch line for use as well. I keep 8 and 10 on my spinning rigs and 50 - 65 on casting rods. Can't really say much about PP that's not already been touched on - casts great, strong, etc... I have used a few other brands but I've always come back to my PP. Can't go wrong with it.
  4. There are quite a few ways to join the braid and FC. My personal preference is a uni to uni knot. Holds strong and casts through the guides pretty well. Google tying fluorocarbon leaders to braid and you'll get quite a few options Imallaboutthatbass: Your thinking sounds fine to me. Just choose a proven, strong, knot to join the leader to the main line and you should be good to go.
  5. Sounds like it would be complicated to keep track of but if it works its cool. I always enjoyed the simple random pairing / individual score. Now, since I can't get many folks to fish with me anymore (no clue why, I'm actually a nice guy ) I fish team opens by myself, as well as an individuals trail with one person per boat. Other than that its BFL and hopefully FLW series if I can find enough support.
  6. Bass club tournaments for years (at least where I've lived in south MS and NW FL) have always been draw events. Boaters pair with non-boaters then boaters with boaters if you ran out of non's. Then it seems everyone move to a team format, or pick your partner, so the same two people always fish together. I was just wondering if that was a regional anomaly, or if the rest of the clubs across the country went that way. I personally love draw events. Sometimes you pair a little incompatible but hey it's the luck of the draw. I always believed that you stop learning when you only fish with the same person all of the time. I've picked up a lot from partners that I still rely on, and hopefully some have picked up stuff from me. Anyhow, I was wondering if a lot of folks moved to the pick your own partner format, and what ya'll think about that as compared to draw format events.
  7. PowerPro is also green, which will work under a lot of conditions as is. And I agree 100% on the FC leader. About the only time I'll tie direct to the braid is when using topwaters. I tie the FC to Braid with a uni to uni knot (just my preference) and it's good to go. Makes your spool of FC last a lot longer too
  8. Personal preference here only - just throwing that out there to start with I use PowerPro braid primarily for topwaters (or on 20lb mono) and pitching/flipping. Almost all other applications I rely on Fluorocarbon. I fish a big mix of clear and colored water here around NW Florida. To help conceal my braid I use a colored sharpie and run it up and down the end of the line about four to five feet from the bait or leader. I keep a full set in my Nitro and use whichever color most closely matches the water I'm fishing. In clear water I usually use a black sharpie. I know the black sounds contradictory for matching conditions but I have never really had a big problem spooking fish because of the line. Realistically though if I'm in clear water I will more than likely opt for Fluorocarbon wherever I can, holding back on braid unless it's absolutely necessary. As far as the actual setups you are using they should be fine. Each line has its own merits and drawbacks. Braid is strong, floats and has no stretch. But, braid will cut easily on any sharp objects though like metal, rocks, etc.. Also, braid can let you set the hook too hard sometimes like with jerkbaits and crankbaits which can end up pulling the hooks out. Fluorocarbon has very little stretch, is the most abrasion resistant of the three lines, and it sinks. Also, FC becomes virtually invisible in the water. There are few disadvantages to FC unless one of its strengths causes problems, like a sinking line on a topwater. Mono has a lot of stretch and floats. Mono works well when you need some give as a fish slams your bait - like a spinnerbait, lipless crank and so on. Mono is less abrasion resistant that FC but better than braid. Cost factors generally have premium FC at top with Braid next and mono least expensive. (could be wrong on the top 2 since I pay close to the same price for each of them). Braid has no memory and will last a very long time. Mono and FC both tend to develop a memory pretty quickly. Ultimately, the conditions and cover your fishing should mandate which choice of line is the most suited. If cost is an issue, then find the middle ground and sacrifice a little in each area to get the most usable line under most of the conditions you generally fish. Go special when conditions really mandate it. OMG I got long winded, why didn't someone stop me! :) Seriously, if I can help with anything more specific please don't anyone ever hesitate to drop me an email, pm, post here or whatever. Always happy to help and talk fishing.
  9. Going to scout out a few more spots this weekend, so thanks for the good info on where to start looking into. I wish they had given me a rental truck with a hitch instead a of a rental car - I'd just go to MWR at Hill and rent a boat. The float tube would be a good idea but I don't want to accumulate a lot of stuff here since I'll eventually get to fly back to FL, plus I wouldn't really use it back home (My Nitro would get jealous I think ). The club angle might be good too so I'll have to look into that one. Any idea of clubs close to Layton? Thanks a lot Bob
  10. Hey everyone, I'm here in Layton, UT (30 miles or so N. of SLC) and been running around trying to find places to bass fish from the shore. It's frustrating to say the least. I've got my fill of trout now - I'm from Florida so I haven't caught trout in over 30 years so that was a nice change. But my passion is bassin'. I know Pineview Res is supposed to be good but I'm stuck from the bank. Have caught a few little ones in Ogden and a couple ponds around Layton/Kaysville, but I'm looking for relatively decent fishing while bank bound - anyone with a boat out there, I'd be more than happy to kick in for some gas I'm here working and I am on a firm work schedule Mon-Fri 7-3:30. Any assistance would be awesome! Thanks in advance. Bob
  11. I'm in town for work and had to leave my boat home in Florida. If you would like someone to fish with, and share cost, drop me an email, or reply here. I'm in town from now until April 10th but working Mon-Fri (except off today - Fri). Just a thought. I've been fishing here behind the Wyndham Gardens Hotel (where I'm staying) but dying to be in a boat doing some real bassin'. I've got tackle, just need a partner and a life jacket and I'm ready. Dying watching, need to fish LOL Anyhow, just thought I'd put this out there and see what happens. Would be happy to reciprocate if you get to the FL panhandle (Pensacola - Destin) and would like to fish some of our tidal rivers. Thanks for reading this Tight Lines - Bob
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