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Everything posted by Lendiesel22

  1. Now you will have the itch that never quite gets scratched.....let the addiction begin!
  2. Its been a long while since I fished it. That will have me cautious for sure.
  3. We are on the same page...my draw will dictate what I can do... what do you think about heading to the chic if I draw well? Where do you fish on Anna? My 1st time was vacation last sept and it was a good time. Good luck to you bud.
  4. Switching gears a little. I am on the Potomac this Saturday for a DE Federation tourney....with the weather the way it is right now how would you guys approach it? Very interested to hear others thoughts. OH tides are high at 930 and low at like 345 so essentially moving water most of the day.
  5. The safety pin is the deal
  6. I fished ande mono from 10 to 33 and it never let me down for bass, rockfish, crappies, pickerel,perch,sun fish, ect. Then 2 years ago I got "serious". Now I have a spread of braid, fc, and mono. I could have trusty ol ande on em all, but i like certain things about each line I use now. Those things help me fish more confident. Does it make me better? IMO yes. The more confident you are the better you fish. If you fish a variety of techniques there is a line out that can help you fish it to the best of your ability.
  7. Very cool thanks man, my boat lives in Georgetown DE, i am on foot when I am not fishing tournaments.
  8. I catch alot of fish at elkhorn, even with pressure. Never been to Rocky Gorge. Wouldn't mind going but I have no idea where to be
  9. Nice, i was unaware of trout in elkhorn. I am sure the larger bass in there like them. In 2 years I have only caught a half dozen or so over 3lbs. Lots of cookie cutter fish though.
  10. War eagle mouse for me
  11. The ol news paper thing should help. You cant throw it overhand very far without releasing it behind your ear. Release it well behind your ear and follow through, try and be fluid doing it. Start by casting rainbows and then apply some power decreasing the arc and increasing distance. This is all for over the top casting mind you. Its easier to load the rod 3/4.
  12. My advice is wear smart layers. Its easy to cool off but hard to get warm under dressed. Being cold or wet will ruin your day. Get a frogg togg jacket at least. Far as your fishing, have your goto bait on. Rig the others to suit your conditions and if you know it your boaters style. I wanna be a little different than my boater unless he is locked in. If he is throwing spinnerbaits to targets follow him with a swim jig. Follow his jerk bait with a trap or what ever. Hit every square inch he misses when fishing cover. Try to relax and have fun. I played baseball, high level softball, and hockey. Fishing has filled in nicely for the competition level i was used to. Catching a big one is like squaring up an 0-2 hanging curve ball.
  13. What did you get em on?
  14. Slick
  15. I would be curious about it absorbing into the blank
  16. Is waxing something you should do on raw graphite rods or only rods with finish on them?
  17. Skipping is a fickle beast and practice is the only way to get it. Start with a senko or tube and work from there. Loosen up the reel and go at it. Dont try and skip it by being all cutesy. Visualize what the bait needs to do and fire it in there.
  18. I feel alot better about my situations after reading some of these. No major losses this season, but last year snagged my livingston in a beaver hut and broke my *** trying to free it.
  19. Fished Concord pond in Seaford today. 18 boats only 3 limits caught. 13.10 won it, big fish 3.92. Jigs in the very few lily pads avail did the trick.
  20. Throw a neko. That rig looks like a lock jaw cure lol
  21. I have heard the spinnerbait bite has produced a few decent fish. I would look for fish moving up from deeper water. Good luck
  22. Looks good, look into powder paint. Cheap and easy to use.
  23. Try to stay in the range you think the fish are with your movement. I see no reason to pull it all the way up if you are seeing fish in 12 out of 15 ft. I try to stay where i think they are as long as possible.
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