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Everything posted by Brnnoser6983

  1. Brnnoser6983

    Musky Box

    From the album: My Tackle

  2. From the album: My Tackle

    Here is my VIP box for Dec. A troy minute from River2Sea, , Strike Pro dispensing action (shallow diver)a Rat-l-trap in bleeding shad, moon walker spinners, spool management system (really like this) a mini towel, 10x tough Z Man lizards, and a thing of dude wipes. In my opinion well worth the 19 paid, plus extras for reviewing items.
  3. My thought.. what kind of pole are you using? If there is a lot of bend look at a MH or H. Also a nice low gear reel. Something like a Revo or Orra winch. The 5:4.1 left's you easily get those baits down without resistance. Between these two you should get the right feeling, and know when there is a real bite.
  4. I can't complain too much.. I did get it on the black Friday sale, but the post sale was a bigger discount. Still a win because it was cheaper than gander, and most of what I have been getting my gander doesn't carry, or has extremely limited color selection.
  5. I have this itch to place an order on TW... But I have this feeling when I do something I want will be left in the 25 days sale. But when I do place it.. Hello new caster, soft plastics, and the last of my hard baits I have been eyeing.
  6. I was watching a YouTube video and someone had the Molix. He said yes it looks odd, but it works well. I wouldn't mind giving it a try.
  7. I use to use Z Man, but when running it over weeds I would have a problem of catching the skirt. This coming season I am trying out *** weedless chatters paired with a busier bait super swimmer of the evil twin trailers. Still going to use Z Man though.
  8. I use 5.11 gear. You can remove the outer shell which is resistant and wear the inside. It has tons of pockets. I think I paid $220 through a uniform shop ($0 out of pocket because it was is my "uniform" jacket ). I would of gladly paid the money though.
  9. I use a 6'6 MH. WITH 30 lb braid. I throw 1 oz spoons and inline spinners. So it goes against everything you don't like, but it works for me. I have found everything I use for bass work on pike, and often pike are next to the bass when I fish. Lakes for pike only.. Otter in WBL. I have no problems pulling 30+in out. They say there are bass on the lake but I am sure it is only pike.
  10. I live in Blaine myself. And fish mainly northern lakes.
  11. I would believe 7 on DeMonterville. I fished that lake later year. And considering it is catch and release only. I think there are only 8 spots to park if you don't live on the lake. I had to get there at 4:30 in the morning to get a spot, and I want the first on the lake! I personal like clear lake by ruining aces, turtle lake in the cities. I love going up north and hitting the Brainerd area. Clear I have pulled 5's and 6'ers out. Pull the lake had walleye, and tiger Muskie. So a great lake all around.
  12. I think the major offender is not wildlife. It is irresponsible boaters and the uneducated on how these species spread.
  13. Most of the time I fish I am close to the shore. Could I fish without a boat? Yes, but being on the water, the ease of moving spot to spot, and the views. I wouldn't ever not have a boat.
  14. Thanks for the website. A lot of people on there and some good pics and ideas, but all not to sure how I want to handle it. I don't plan to go the the length some of those people did. I hope once I get my vehicle paid off I can get a newer crestliner.
  15. This link is the best I could find. You can kind of see the small plate https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrB8pQtTZhUOj4AxauJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIyMXNvN2dnBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM0MWY1ZmFlNWM0ZjhmOTE1M2FjZTQyODc0YTdiYmUxNQRncG9zAzIEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&back=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3D1975%2Bsears%2Band%2Broebuck%2Bgamefisher%2Bboats%26n%3D60%26ei%3DUTF-8%26fr2%3Dsb-top%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D2&w=600&h=390&imgurl=images1.allboatlistings.com%2Fnlarge%2F14_game_fisher_21360206.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fquakertown-pa.allboatlistings.com%2F18951%2Fpersonal-water-crafts%2F1988-14-sears-14-game-fisher_17192150.html&size=106.0KB&name=1988+14%26%2339%3B+%3Cb%3ESears%3C%2Fb%3E+14+%3Cb%3EGAME+FISHER%3C%2Fb%3E+in&p=1975+sears+and+roebuck+gamefisher+boats&oid=41f5fae5c4f8f9153ace42874a7bbe15&fr2=sb-top&fr=&tt=1988+14%26%2339%3B+%3Cb%3ESears%3C%2Fb%3E+14+%3Cb%3EGAME+FISHER%3C%2Fb%3E+in&b=0∋=56&no=2&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=13fokhgl3&sigb=1411d8e2g&sigi=11ukqafes&sigt=11i2rqsni&sign=11i2rqsni&.crumb=FifRtuwL/Mv&fr2=sb-top
  16. I have an older boat (1975? I think Sears Roebuck game Fisher). I'm not looking to get crazy or anything, but I would love to add a flat top in the bow to add a bow mount trolling motor. It currently has a small plate for a light and cleat. I don't want to punch holes in it to add support, but need to extend the current foot long plate. I have tried to make a template of cardboard. Than I cut chipboard, but just couldn't get it to fit because of the curves. Any mod suggestions I have looked through YouTube, and nothing to the scale I am looking to do. I will try to find a picture. I don't have any myself, and it is stored for the winter.
  17. As other have said. Think about what you want, and where you are going to fish. If you are going on big bodies of water a small John boat can get scary. Think about options such as rod and tackle storage. Live wells, and lastly your comfort features such as a larger engine, cover, and electronics. Other things to keep in mind such as how many people you want to go with. Bringing three people on Skeeter, or Ranger is not going to work as well as say a Crestliner. One thing you might not be thinking about that isn't even related to the boat is your vehicle. Trying to pull a heavy boat with a focus, or geo is going to earn you a bad day.
  18. [quote name="Master Bait'r" post="1663051" It will suck, but it will also weed out those who are not committed. I don't like being nickle-and-dimed but I also want to preserve the waterways and I'll gladly jump through some hoops to keep it awesome.
  19. not crazy, but shocked it went to this. Zebra mussels, and milfoil are horrible and only getting worse. But I guess the fee can go to more control and restocking. I hope.
  20. If I have it I carry it. Zooms with a single tale to busier and big bite. Like others have said different baits have different fall rates. But also the variation of style affects the movement. Now if I have 3 bags of the same I will leave extra at home.
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