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Everything posted by Brnnoser6983

  1. Hum... not picking up on it over text.....
  2. Any order over $50 gets free ground shipping (5-10 days) and only $5 on 2 day. $10 to overnight.
  3. Great way to look at it. And it's hard to explain to someone the fun of sitting on a peaceful lake, and just relaxing. My favorite is to head up northern Minnesota where my grandparents owned a cabin. Up there you can loose yourself in the time. You sit back and watch life move one. No plains flying overhead. No cars roaring by. The only traffic to be concerned by is a fellow fisherman trolling by you as he waves. You don't need to know them to get a friendly hello, how's the fishing. It's relaxing. Beyond relaxing, and I don't understand why anyone wouldn't like it any other way. Just myself, maybe a good friend, family ... fishing.. fooling nature with my fake food and taking it all in.
  4. That's why I just bought another combo last week and am buying a new rod today. Wait no the new rod was an anal retentive purchase.
  5. <~~~ ? ?
  6. I fear taking up fly fishing for the cost. Musky fishing hasn't been any better. $15 - $20+ a bait. $200 rods and $200 reels. But I have been getting musky baits in moderation.
  7. The big box shops and tackle makers only enable. One 5ft diver, in 30 colors, but wait there's more. You have the 10, 15, 20ft divers. Don't forget square bills!
  8. The lucky craft.. I was looking at that one, but with my current rod setup I don't think it fly. Tackle junkie I think it is on YouTube reviewed that lure and said it was good.
  9. I do hand off a lot of my tackle to my son. So when a section gets too bad I clean it up. But I do have to say. I don't have it that bad with my wife as some may. My wife doesn't but shows all the time, and yeah she buys a purse here or there, but I hardly think 2 coach purses are over kill...
  10. A little blury, but this is my hard bait selection.. 6 3700's
  11. I wouldn't sat that I am at that point. Yeah I have a big selection of Jigs.. I would say 20 is, but some are swimmers, some are footballs, and all different weights and colors. I recently went crazy over the 20% off sales. I bought some wake baits, and went to town on getting come divers. This order it isn't that big. $250 in tackle, but some I have a rod and a $30 musky bait. 1/2 is baits amd other is soft plastics.
  12. Oh no... I will not admit defeat.
  13. Okay, my wife says I need help and don't disagree completely, but than she said those heinous words. "You have too much tackle" Ohhhh.. Like any addict I denied it. I made reason, but than I got defensive. "There is no such thing as "too much tackle" So ladies and gents, am I wrong? Is there such a thing, where do you draw the line? What is too much?
  14. That's almost as bad as MN. Opener last year was the 25th of May. Northern and walleye two weeks prior. And that is IF... IF there is no ice. Most lakes are clear, but there has been ice on some openers. I know it was two years ago when I went out on opener and had to clear out the leading eye on my rod of ice every other cast... to cold...
  15. I have a $220 purge ready to go on TW... But have to wait until Friday though. I am torn. I have been eyeing some new hunting great and Cabelas has a lot of it on sale... if I only had an extra $1,000 I could get both. Lol
  16. As many have said camera deception, but a reel has a lot to do with it. Upgraded bearings can help add some distance, plus drag reduction from different lines. None of these are going to add to make its a magical fight, but get you closer.
  17. Demontervile, catch and release only, but great fishing. Bone lake, I like clear in forest, and turtle.
  18. Love jigging the weed bed to the left just past the launch on that lake.
  19. My brother in law bought that reel last year and loves it.I have a cardinal series from Abu and it is a lot smoother than my real. But I am a huge fan of Abu Garcia and like just about everything on their line up. I just bought the Ike Dude off eBay for $25 and use it as a pan fish rod. But I also have the silver max, pro max, and cardinal. Planing on buying the orra winch as a musky reel until I can get the Toro. Oh. I know the bait caters you can always upgrade the bearings for better quality, right off the bat to improve performance. Sometimes you get lucky and get it for free. We had a musky expo here in MN last year and some reps where there from Abu. He told me if I brought in my reels he would oil/grease them. Inspect and replace bearing for free.. and be damned they did.
  20. I started when I was young... real young. It was always my grandpa that taught me how to fish (being I don't know my dad). I was always in ah of his tackle box. So many lures I use to think. How, and why would a fish go after wood? So my grandparents bought me a small Plano box with some hooks and weights from my gramps box. I would put acorns in the box to and a fish scaler... I would like to think I am always learning, Watching, and listening to others. Seeing what works for them and trying to replicate it. I think that's why I go for so much tackle. I need/want what others have to try to replicate their success. Anyone who says they where born with the talent I think is full of it. You still need to work at it, some more than others. But work we must. Share what you know because You never know who might be listening. You could be the next role model to some young Fisher.
  21. Brnnoser6983

    Misc Box

    From the album: My Tackle

    Leaders, and Spoons
  22. From the album: My Tackle

    My new Shell Cracker, and BBZ's.
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