Any of you guys been to lake Olathe this year? I am a bank fisherman and have tried it all. T-rig, spinner, cranks of all kinds, weightless and wacky worms, bladed jigs, you name it I've thrown it. I assumed from the warmer days they'd be back into castings distance, but can't find them.
I caught one (small, maybe a pound or so) the week before the cold front a few weeks ago, but nothing since that front. Been a little discouraging getting skunked time after time this year. Wondering if you guys have been catching any, or have spotted them on your electronics. If you have, what part of the lake. I caught the one off the rock wall on the north side of the boat ramp. I assume there would be more coming back up over there, but I've been all around that lake. Maybe they're still too far out after that front? I'd think at least the first group would start coming in by now.