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About porkleaker

  • Birthday 10/13/1979

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Delta Ontario
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Cranberry, Dog and Lower Beverly Lake.
  • Other Interests
    Guitar, survival, camping and beer.

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. porkleaker


  2. I'm sure there is a biological difference between them. They're in completley different enviroments, temperatures and sometimes food. But the most obvious indication is their size comparison. If you've ever fished up North, especially up here in Canada. A 5-6lb Large mouth is a monster. Meanwhile, you guys are catching 8-9lbers. I'm desperately trying to avoid the religion debate, but that is what we call evolution.
  3. I hopped onto someone's dock the other day. I didn't get snagged, I just saw an overturned turtle on her dock and went to rescue it lol. Apparently that happens quite often, she thanked me and I went on my way. I don't mind people fishing around my dock if I'm not around. And at best they'll get snagged, snap their line and leave me a new lure.
  4. I caught some in a state of intoxication. But besides that, I've never fished in the US...Well, maybe on their side of the St Lawrence or Lake Ontario.
  5. Yeah, I keep everything locked up, even though this area is filled with trustable, nice people. But I've been burned in the past when someone stole my guitar and all the music I had written down in it. Since then I keep everything locked down.
  6. Good question. I've done far better this summer with live bait rather than artificial. It's gotten to the point where I'm questioning if I even know what I'm doing with them. Yet, every time I throw out a minnow I seem to nail 'em. It's not you, it's me - says the bass.
  7. You sure you don't have crawfish? I'm slightly North of you, in Canada and we've got lots of them here. Bass love 'em.
  8. haha I caught my friends bass on the same day. His line snapped and about 2 hours later I pulled it up with his missing lure, he was pretty excited about getting that back.
  9. Interesting. I'll test this out a bit tonight and early tomorrow morning because there's certainly no shortage of cedar and pine laydowns here.
  10. slappin' da bass mon.
  11. Happened not too long ago to me, right through my knuckle, just the skin...but the best part was the fish was shaking around like mad and the multi-tool we used to try and cut it got stuck....Oh great.
  12. I started around 5, and 34 now. I didn't get to go fishing on the boat but I would sit at the dock and catch them with a net and pieces of bread lol. Since then I learned that being bigger and older is better because you get to go on the boat...lol But really, I've learned a lot of patience, appreciation for nature and a whole bunch of mechanical skills because my boat motor is a pile of junk.
  13. I also stab them in the brain and either fillet them or put them on ice to keep them fresh and then batter them up and mmmmmm
  14. It happens. But you've got to admit, even a bad day on the lake is a hell of a lot better than a good day in an office or at work...Unless you fish for a living...I guess that'd be nice.
  15. crack of dawn until around 10-11, come back for a break and some lunch and then head back out around 4 or 5 until sundown. That's on a good day though.
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