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  1. Steveo-1969's post in Confessions of a river fisherman was marked as the answer   
    You lost me on this one. I can’t imagine lying in my death bed thinking “I wish I wouldn’t have fished so much!”
  2. Steveo-1969's post in Drop Shot Rod and Reel Balance was marked as the answer   
    I wouldn’t change your reel, I would change your grip instead. I held a spinning rod like you do (2 fingers in front and 2 behind the reel stem) until I saw Aaron Martens demonstrate how he held a spinning rod - all four fingers in front of the reel stem and his index finger extended and resting on the rod blank. With your hand in this position the rod tip will feel lighter (which I prefer for bottom contact presentations) and my brain tells me I can feel more with my index finger on the blank. My wrist does not get fatigued during a long day of fishing. I have more leverage for a strong hook set (if needed). And when fighting a fish I place the rod butt against my forearm for more leverage as well.
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