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Everything posted by senkomaster1998

  1. Just want y'all's input on which you think is better I've used the stradic 2500 fh for over 10 years and has never let me down. But I've heard the new stradics are good but you shimano reel experts would know more than me but just tell me what you think
  2. I can't decide between the bb1 or the lews super duty i have a speed spool now and love it if I got the bb1 it would go on a st croix mojo bass crank bait rod for top waters cranks and plastics. And I would use my speed spool on a berkley lighting shock rod for flipping frog in and for Skinny dippers but if I got the super duty I would use that for frogging flipping and skinny dippers on the berkley and my speed spool on my st croix for cranks, plastics, top waters
  3. hi im looking for bank fishing spots in tarpon springs or close to tarpon like clear water any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  4. if you have fished tournaments great if not and just fished ponds with you buddies thats fine to plz let me know asap thanks.
  5. im looking for a home schooled bass fisherman in florida that would like to fish a high school tournament at lake okeechobee on april 27 please let me know before april 1st if you can fish it with me thanks. austin bennett, 813 731 1474 thedewdrinker@gmail.com
  6. witch would be better i need a reel that is going to last
  7. will a 10 pound mono leader work with 20 pound power pro
  8. any body know of a loop knot for braid im using 20 pound power pro
  9. any body know of a loop knot for braid im using 20 pound power pro
  10. where can i find them in left hand retrieve
  11. where are the curado gs on sale for 99 my problem is i need a left hand retrieve
  12. hi im looking for a good reel in the $150 to $180 dollar range i need a reel i can throw every thing with. I had the new curado i in mind any other suggestions?
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