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bassin' 4 life

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Everything posted by bassin' 4 life

  1. One time I was testing some lures I bought, one being a tube jig, the water was still cold so I wasn't expecting to catch anything, but apparently this bass was moving in for the spawn, I don't remember the bite much and it didn't fight hard, but I do vividly remember getting it to the dock, reaching down to grab it and my 12 pound mono breaking, the jig firmly stuck in the 4 pound largemouth as it literally just sank straight to the bottom and then swam in a wide circle straight back to where I cought it. I then looked at the end of the line, it was hooked, for some reason the line broke inside the knot. Now a 4lbr might not sound big to some of you, but where I was the bass don't often get much bigger.
  2. Thanks guys.
  3. Anybody know anything about bomber lures jerk baits?
  4. Yes it is. I've seen a couple jumping, have not been able to get out lately though, but once the water warms up the fishing is very good.
  5. The stuff is hard to take pictures of.
  6. Closeups showed absolutely nothing, but to me it looked like tiny hairs with tiny gel cluster things under it that I could not focus on. Sounds weird, but that's the best I can explain it.
  7. I didn't have a camera, I tried to get some pics today though, but due to wind I could not get any pictures of it. I'll post the best pic later.
  8. If I fish from a dock I will fish the place pretty thoroughly, if I'm in a boat I won't stay in one place very long.
  9. Low 50's? Dang, water has not even hit 50 here. I would go for the smaller lake, because, yes they warm up quicker and they'd probably be easier to figure out, and get a bit going. Just my opinion.
  10. Okay, sorry, it isn't gone, I walked around the lake today and from the other side on a hill I could see lots of it all over the lake. It is not bright green, it is definitely olive drab/brown. Thank you for info.
  11. Hmmm, Yeah that looks about right.
  12. It usually freezes over, but it did not this year, spring turnover happened last month, and I definitely have not seen any pee sized lumps. I do not have an overhead image of what was in my lake, but I would guess it looked similar to the above picture, just more brown. Maybe.
  13. No, I never thought of that.
  14. My superstition would be that spinner baits don't like me. I bought two, one broke then I got the pieces then promptly lost them. The other one, somehow, fell in the water? Then I bought an expensive one, it just fell off my line while I was using it.
  15. Yup it's algae. Cool, I've never seen that before. it was weird though.
  16. There are no carp in the lake. And like I said, it is HALF the lake. Yes I think the wind has been blowing that way.
  17. Have not seen any dead fish. I went out yesterday and this stuff was not there, so I don't know how fast it kills fish...?
  18. The water also seems warmer than normal.
  19. Western Washington state. There are no inlets, and no construction nearby. It is not chemicals. It has been raining and the stuff is suspended under the surface over 3 feet to 40 feet of water. the lake is only 50 deep. Pollen we get a LOT of pollen here and I have never seen this before. I don't know anything about algae blooms, but it's possible.
  20. So I went out on the lake today, and as I pulled the boat out, I looked down and saw this weird green/brown cloud just under the surface. I then proceeded to find that the whole east side of the lake had it. It's not consistent and some is darker some thicker, but it literally covered half the lake. It really just looked like the whole bottom of the lake had come up. Anybody know anything? I have never seen or heard of it before. By the way, the lake has about 1 mile of shore line, so it's not very big.
  21. Exactly. Like I said I am building a boat soon. But I am also thinking about an engine swap for my truck. I'd be better off doing the swap and putting the old motor in my boat!!! Too bad my boat is too small.
  22. Right, so since I'm already building my boat, I should get one of these: seattle.craigslist.org/oly/for/4909892395.html And put a prop on it, right?
  23. Does anybody know why gas outboards are so expensive? I mean a ten hp motor costs over a thousand bucks. I could probably jery rig a cheap go cart motor that would do the same thing, right?
  24. Mine was a 4-5 pounder, that I caught off a bed with a jig.
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