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Bassin Bob

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Everything posted by Bassin Bob

  1. I've used it, but didn't really see any benefit. I'm sure some like it, but I don't think it does much. I switched to using almost all braid (with fluorocarbon leaders) and that eliminates the need for conditioner. I also use braid with an 8 lb leader for panfish. But conditioners aren't super expensive, so maybe they could work for you. Good luck either way!
  2. Try increasing the length of your leader (18 to 24 inches or more) and backing off your drag. Set the hook with a sweeping motion (don't set it like a Texas rig). Many times on the C-rig, the fish hook themselves and don't require a huge hookset. Don't give up on the C-rig, it works great!
  3. Most Army Corps of Engineer campgrounds have electrical hookups with both 30 and 15 amp outlets. I go to West Point Lake in Georgia, a Corps of Engineer lake, where almost all campsites are on the water. I then hook up my RV to the 30 amp outlet. I beach the boat, tie it off (to a tree or tent peg, etc), then use one of the 15 amp outlets to run extension cords to the battery charger. I have been to other Corps campgrounds and they are similar. It sounds like you're on a great adventure!
  4. I have used the plug, but l inadvertently lost it while repositioning the transducer. So I taped the hole shut with Gorilla tape last year and it has worked fine ever since. H'bird sent the plug at no charge (I love their customer support), but the tape works well. Like I said, it has been a year with the tape and no problems, so recommend the tape while waiting for your plug to arrive.
  5. I have used braid since it was introduced and never had a problem with it digging in (all test strengths). Spool it very tightly using a lot of pressure (hold the line with a leather glove as you spool it). Likewise, I have also tied the end to a tree and walked off the entire length, then tightly respooled.
  6. I used an old Garmin made for a car on my boat. I bought a Garmin chip (I believe it was Garmin Inland Lakes) and inserted it in my GPS. I then selected it to use the marine chip and everything worked well. It is not as good as a true marine GPS, but worked well enough. I also used the car mount and stuck it to my console. Give it a try!
  7. I live in the Huntsville area also. My son lived in Atlanta and we used to meet at Weiss Lake (JR Marina in Cedar Bluff, AL). It was about midway, and as stated above, is a great lake.
  8. I've had some luck with crankbaits along the rip-rap on the causeway at the end of Lost Creek. A carolina-rigged finesse worm (june bug) has worked for me as well. In addition to smallmouth, I landed a 9.9 lb striper there in April of '13. There's also a public launch right there that's handy. Also, there are some big walleye in the lake that are always fun. If you want a guide, Jake Davis is great and will put you on fish.
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