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long island basser

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Everything posted by long island basser

  1. Placidochromis phenochilus
  2. Yes those Mbuna are nasty, very territorial. Champsochromis caeruleus.
  3. Yes those Mbuna are nasty, very territorial.
  4. Buccochromis nototainia
  5. Fossorochromis rostratus
  6. Nice looking tank desmobob. I currently have 5 tanks up and running and have had at least one running for the last 25 years. Yeah, I guess you can say I'm into it. Lol. A 10, 40, 55, 55, and a 180 gallon. I've always been into the larger cichlids. With the last 15 years mainly dedicated to the haplochromis group from lake Malawi. Also playing around with some kamfa flower horns. Just a great hobbie that is very relaxing for me. I'll post some pics soon.
  7. The two you mention are both good. I prefer the pitboss.
  8. I'm more in line with this, especially on your HOME LAKE.. He's showing up with a spincaster, that's it , he can fish out of another 12 Jon with trolling motor like I would. There is no map of my lake to even study beforehand . He has no clue where NON visible cover / structure even is... Roadbeds ,stump feilds,drop offs ,rock piles,weedbeds, humps and so on. That would make a huge difference IMO. I don't believe you guys are giving yourselves enough credit for your home waters with these conditions .
  9. Welcome, enjoy the forums.
  10. A jig is very good for this, but my favorite way to attack a laydown is to t/rig a plastic craw or creature style bait with a 1/8 pegged tungsten weight.
  11. Looks like some quality fish, nice going.
  12. Good fish, way to go.
  13. Largest of 9 boated from this past Saturday. 4.2 lbs caught on t/rig 4" pitboss.
  14. Looks like a postcard, cool scenery .
  15. Agree 100%. I haven't ask my wife if I can buy anything in 25 years of marriage . We both work, I keep my money she keeps hers. If I want something I get, if she wants something she gets it. I don't ask for permission for anything... Buying , going out with my buddies, going fishing, ect.. It's worked great for 25 years.
  16. PB' s are great, nice going. Enjoy the high!
  17. If I would have known back then what I know now Id have gotten a vasectomy right out of high school.
  18. Awesome, definitely a great day.
  19. Glazier (Union). My older brother had a friend in the union who got me in when I was 20, now 48 and only a few years till retirement. Good paying job with excellent benefits, great medical, dental, optical. With vacation pay, an annuity, and pension. Also any and all overtime is double time. Working on glass curtain walls, storefronts, mirrors, shower enclosures ect. If your afraid of heights forget it.
  20. I have two small boats, one for 15 years ( 12 ft) and the other over 20 years(8 ft pontoon) both with trolling motors and I have never registered either one. Nor do I plan on ever registratiing them. My taxes are high enough. I have seen dec officers over the years at different lakes and they never said a word about it. I agree with the op one this one, its total bull ****.
  21. I'll say your a patient guy because after 3 or 4 visits to that home lake I'd be done with it. If I don't catch at least 10 bass on a trip I'm not happy. Some lakes fish much better than others, those are the ones I visit.
  22. I've been using braid with crankbaits for a few years now, I love it.
  23. It happened to me once, on a manns baby minus-1.
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