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Tyson Holman

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  1. Thanks, I appreciate your advice I see your from Nebraska! what part? I grew up in Alliance.
  2. A club sounds great! Although it seems like most of the clubs around here are pretty competitive. Not sure how much knowledge they would be willing to share. Worth a shot though! Thanks for the help! I appreciate everyone's advice.
  3. Thanks I appreciate it! I need to take it slower. I think that I am so focused on the information that when the information does not produce results. I lose all confidence. And If there is anything that kills a day of fishing. It is confidence. How long on average does it take for you to learn and master a new technique? And how do you go about trying it?
  4. For the past few years I have found myself struggling more than normal. Getting skunked is a norm and good days are few. I feel like everything goes great when planning a fishing trip. But when I get there take my first cast, second and third with no luck. I feel my confidence begin to ebb away. I try to evaluate the situation. I try to use the knowledge I have received from books and even these forums. But I don't get results. I then lose all confidence and end up junk fishing. Which always ends with me resorting to a senko and catching dinks. I don't have a boat and I end up fishing pretty pressured areas. Has anyone ever been here before? And if so, how did you get out of it? I could be overthinking this. But its been two years sense I have had any confidence in my ability to fish. Thanks
  5. Thanks for the help. I'm trying to find a good bluegill pattern. The lake I fish has an abundance of them, and they should be spawning here soon.
  6. I'm trying to match my lures to local baitfish. How close do you guys try to match a bait? for example matching a swimbait to bluegill. Do you want the size and color to be exact? or just similar? Does a swimbait need to be the exact shape? Or what about other lures like crankbaits? Thanks
  7. Thank you! I really appreciate it. They stock this lake with trout once in march, april, and may. Im pretty sure they do this every year. So it should be pretty well integrated into the bass to feed on trout in spring. Hope I can catch em. Any advice on retrieving the swimbait? I would assume a slow and steady retreive. But im new to a swimbait.
  8. Well thats just it. It should be simple. But in the past It will seem like everything is in place. Yet I cant catch a fish. It seems like I cant bridge the gap between knowledge of fish, and catching fish. Its frustrating when you think you have got it all in place, location, time of year, baitfish, water temp. And still cant catch fish. Maybe its just me. lol But I still appreciate the help.
  9. I have been trying to plan fishing trips based on the time of year, type of baitfish, and other factors. I want to make sure my tactic is best considering some of the factors. I am planning to go a lake known as selmac in oregon. It has been known to produce some massive bass. I plan to go in april, Which is durring the prespawn stage. There is also going to be a mass stocking of legel sized trout. They stock them pretty regularily throughout the year. So My assumtion is that there is a good opportunuty to catch huge bass that are feeding on the sudden abundance on trout. I plan to use a 8' savage gear 3D trout. What are your thoughs on this? Do you think this is the right tactic for the situation? what is your exerience when fishing right after a stocking? appreiate the help.
  10. I just moved to Medford Oregon. Im looking for a good club to join. Most clubs seemed geared toward tournaments, which is great. But I am more concerned with learning more about bass fishing, and how to be better at it. I dont feel ready to be too competitive yet. Anyone heard of anything like this? Thanks for the help -Tyson
  11. I used to live in Nebraska, it is definitely difficult to find other bass fishermen. There are a few, but most fishermen only focus on walleye. Of course that's only my experience.
  12. I cuaght this three pound smallie the other day. It was about 3 lbs. It got be thinking about what people consider a large fish. Because the size bass get varies from northern states to southern states. I figure peoples idea of a nice fish varies as well. Here in Nebraska we would consider a 5 lb largemouth to be a very big fish, and a smallmouth i would consider 3 lbs to be very nice as well. So what do you guys consider to be a big fish? based on area? I am really interested to see how much it varies. Thanks Tyson
  13. I really appreciate all your help. I hear the swim bait can be very effective this time of year. Would you guys think a swim-bait a good choice to try to focus on? or should I start with something different? if so what is a good choice?
  14. I have been fishing for pretty much my entire life. I have spent hours studying bass fishing, much of that time has been on this site. Regardless of this, I still cannot manage to catch fish with anything other than a plasitc bait. The senko is my top bait, with plasitc lizards and worms right behind it. I have no problem catching fish on these baits. But for some reason I can not catch anything on any other lure, I try to use the right bait for the right situation but I sill can not manage to catch one. I am extremely frustrated. So my question is, has anyone ever had similar problems? if so how did you get over it? I appreciate your help -Tyson
  15. My wife and I are considering moving to Oregon. How is the bass fishing there? I'm from Nebraska and the bass fishing here is alright. I would like to make sure Oregon has good bass fishing before we move. Thanks
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