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  1. Compression test will happen on Monday. i will be continuing to post updates in the hopes that i will continue receiving advice. thanks to everyone who contributed
  2. I have a mechanic friend and he can answer any questions i have about the actual fix. He does not work with boats. I have plenty of elbow grease. My real concern is if its worth fixing. parts will be the only thing i have to pay for.(note: i do not have the shifter, if that's what it is called) I've rebuilt small engines. never anything over about 35hp. everything to do it is at my fingertips. i just don't want it to be not worth the work and money. Thank yall for the help. Thanks again, Broke student
  3. So, here's the picture. I've got a fairly old motor that hasn't been run in 5 plus years. it was given to me for 25 bucks. I the guy I got it off of said it had a weak cylinder. but it ran the last time he used it. He's a friend of my dad's so I am pretty sure he wouldn't screw me over with a seized engine. has anyone ever tried starting an old engine like this? i will update with engine info and pictures. Also following the update i need to find a new cowling for the motor. I'm not sure of the laws or if there is any laws about having a cowling that says the wrong horsepower. I can do whatever work is needed for the engine. I'm learning enough to know what goes where and does what, I'm just not sure where to really start. All help is appreciated. Thank You. UPDATE: numbers- 200lt78r j5003852 im looking for a free manual for this engine. if you know of a website please share, thank you
  4. Thank you everyone who answered. I'm sure I will have plenty more questions in the next few days.
  5. I guess you consider me not having a clue about anything so don't hold back the obvious answers. Up until a few weeks ago when I went bass fishing I thought fishing was more of a reason to fill the cooler up than to catch something. I went fishing as a kid but mostly only for catfish or bream. So the only time I've caught a bass was on a chatter bait. So if someone could help me with the how the fish act with certain temperatures. I honestly don't know hardly anything. This is my first place to turn as my options to learn are limited to online and trial and error
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