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Minnow (2/9)



  1. We have a group going to Guntersville in mid March. Not asking for honey holes, just where to start looking. I know getting a guide is advisable, but others don't want to spend the money. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!!!
  2. My fater-in-law had a water snake get in his floating minnow bucket while crappie fishing! He went to push the lid open to get a minnow and met resistance. Pulled it into the boat and discovered the snake. He untied the bucket and let it float away!!!
  3. Fished a very clear (4 foot plus clarity) lake last Saturday. Water temp was 60 - 64, and fish were moving shallow with several on the banks making beds. Starting yesterday, a cold front has started moving in and will be 15 - 20 degrees colder all week. I'm sure by this weekend, water temps will drop drastically. I caught a few last week with a Ned rig and one on a spinner. I assume fish will move off the banks by this weekend, but how far will they go? What do you do to adjust to such changes right as they get ready to spwan? I think I assumed they would not venture too far from the bed if eggs have been laid, but may go further if only preparing beds. Just trying to learn behaviors and patterns. Thanks for any input!
  4. 898 is not HD! That would explain it. Can't believe the difference!!! Thanks!
  5. When I power on my HB 898, the brightness is very dim compared to my HB 858. This includes the initial power up screen. I have to turn up sensitivity to be able to see things in SI & DI. Is there a brightness setting that I am missing?
  6. Thanks Wayne!
  7. 858 c HD Combo
  8. Sorry if this has been asked already. I have a HB 858 ci combo. I am using the transducer in the TM. What transducer type should I select in setup?
  9. I got a good buy on a Frabill suit at Academy. Get bibs not pants!
  10. I say the lightest weight possible depending on depth and thickness of growth. I feel in pads the most important thing is using braid line.It will actually cut the pad when trying to horse in one them hogs!
  11. Just found Arashi Wake Cranks at Academy in Mobile for $5.99! Has anybody fished these cranks? I've not fished wake cranks before. Very excited to try them out!
  12. I like a Popper style bait when the water is a little slicker. I go to a walking bait when the wind picks up a little.
  13. The feel of the instant turning with the cable makes it more controlable and quicker. The digital steer of the Terrova takes time to turn and instant control is not there. Love the Terrova for spider rigging or pulling crank baits for Crappie. Would like to be able to change them out deoending on type of fishing I'm going to do.
  14. I currently have a Terrova 80 (24 volt) with I-Pilot on my boat. Great for the Crappie fishing I do but not so Bass fishing friendly. Looking to buy a Fortrex 80 (24 volt). I was wondering if they make a removable mounting plate that fits both so I could swap depending on type of fishing I am doing?
  15. Pullin for the Hack Attack, but don't sleep on Ott Defoe. Very versitile!
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