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Everything posted by jlearsi67

  1. I really don't have the outboard experience with the raider yet, but the motor rating is up to 3.5hp for it. I would think the 4hp would be fine, but the higher you go in hp, the heavier the motor tends to be. I'm going with 3hp when I start looking. I would look into this a bit more.
  2. The Humminbird I was referring to is the Fishin' Buddy from Bomber's post. Just like to clarify that.....
  3. The more I think about it, this Humminbird is the way to go with a raider. I've been trying to figure out what unit to get for my raider and this unit seems to solve all kinds of issues. My only concern is the quality of the unit - as far as bells and whisles go. It seems too basic. I like the features that many fish finders have now............I mean the practical ones. I don't care about color, but I do like some of the super high def imaging that some provide as an example. I still may pull the trigger on this one eventually. The ease of use really sells it for me.
  4. I did get something that looks like a title of sorts, but I never really checked it out yet. It has the manufacturer's origin and stuff like that, but I'll have to look it over a bit closer. This trailer inspection is the killer though. I have to get the trailer to the inspection place without having a plate and title for it yet. Luckily it's fairly close. I like the trailer and all. Putting it together wasn't as bad as I thought it could be. A little help from You Tube and I was on my way. I just need to see the light at the end of the tunnel and imagine my raider sitting on top of this finished trailer in the garage ready to go. Got the trolling motor ordered and picked up a couple cleats for tying rope off so that should get me started with the bells and whistles. Can't wait to add to it though. I just need to get it out on the water and bring in the first load of crappies instaed of watching everyone and their brother do it for me on tv.
  5. Basshead, I purchased that same trailer from Harbor Freight. I got the smaller one first, then thought better of that idea and then returned it for the larger foldable one. I stopped by our local notary and found out all the fun and $ involved with getting a trailer kit trailer road ready. First a $100 inspection (so I'm told at least) and then another pile of $ for title, plate, etc..... If I would have known that, I may have just gone with someone's used one or one from some kind of dealer. When I finally get the raider out on the water this spring, it should ride nice and high because my wallet will be much lighter. Finishing up the trailer wiring, then I'm off to get it inspected. Could have used the boat today looking for ice out crappie/perch. We weren't reaching them by wading. The small boats made out today......
  6. I am planning to go with a 45lb tiller controlled mounted on the bow. I have a 40lb on my trihull and it gets me around pretty well. My raider is a fraction of that weight/mass so I should be good - in theory. I was convinced a while ago that I had to have the foot controlled Bull Dog unit, but in thinking things through and just sitting in the boat now, I can't see a huge advantage having a foot controlled unit that would make it worth the extra $200. I would rather put that money towards some upgraded electronics or some other bells and whistles. I may try a Bigfoot switch at some point though....
  7. Those better be some pretty nice toggles for $600! By "anchors" do you just mean installing/fastening things in general like cleats, rod holders, cup holders, etc.... to the boat? If so, I am wondering the same thing. If I'm going to drill a hole, it's going to be well sealed and it has to hold. I'm not sure if toggles are used for everything, or of a decent screw will secure things. I have all kinds of ideas on things to add, but I want to know they'll be secure and not have to worry about them coming loose or creating a leak issue. Are toggles used for everything??
  8. Well I've spent the last 2 weeks reading pretty much all of this topic reseaching the bass raider. Just picked mine up this past weekend. Getting tired of hauling around a very heavy tri-hull with an older outboard that needs some kind of tinkering each spring to get it "going". Looking for ways to trick out the raider before I head out for crappies this spring. Looking to add a 45lb thrust trolling motor, good rod holders, a new fish finder, a couple anchors and a make-shift rudder to start. I'll eventually get a 2 - 3.5hp outboard, but that may wait until next summer. I would really like to have a switch panel installed someplace handy for running various electrical add-ons, but that will take some advice, planning and pics if anyone has them. I'm certainly not there yet. I want to make sure I do that right. Once I get ready to add some items I'll be asking for advice - and hopefully be able to give some once I become more familiar with the raider. Now we just sit and wait for about 14 inches of ice to melt off of anything that resembles a lake, pond or resevoir in my area.......
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