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About tiredbobmarley

  • Birthday 04/08/1988

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Winter Park, FL
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Winter Park Chain of Lakes

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  1. Hey all, I have a 14 ft jon boat and I need a fishing partner. I usually fish Lake Underhill or Winter Park chain but occasionally find myself on Conway or in lake county. Im tired of fishing alone. Hit me up if you want to get out on the water.
  2. Does anyone know what the compression psi should be for a 1978 Johnson 25 hp? Ive been having some issues and did a compression test over the weekend. It read 90psi in both cylinders. Is that good/bad? I tried to search around for some info about this from johnson and have also searched other forums but have found nothing solid. Thanks in advance!
  3. Thanks for all the input! You were all almost spot on. It was definitely the ground. After grounding the trailer lights and running the ground wire up to the front of the trailer it worked like a charm. Wont forget that again, haha.
  4. Awesome. That may be the solution to my problems. Ill give it a go tonight after work. Thanks again!
  5. Ok everyone so I need some opinions. I just replaced my trailer wiring and everything was working great for a couple weeks until now. I tested the plug coming out of my truck with a circuit tester and it all works. When I have the "not installed" wiring in the back of my truck grounded to my truck and plugged into the connection im able to get a complete circuit at the end of the wires (without the lights connected). When I connect the lights I get nothing from them. I have tested them with a battery and they do light up. Soooo....my questions..... Will the plug from my truck give a false positive if I have the alligator clip from the circuit tester attached to the truck? I didnt think so but im trying everything.... Would the trailer lights have to be mounted in order to have a ground even though the trailer wiring harness has a connecting ground coming from the plug to the trailer? Im sorry if this sounds simple. Im not well versed in electrical circuits. When I initially replaced them it was easy and worked right off the bat but this troubleshooting is driving me crazy. Thanks in advance!
  6. Im all about the old used motors because im a cheap son of a b. I have a 1978 25 hp johnson. It has had its issues but all have been fixable by me (with a little help). I was lucky enough to have a "mentor" that helped me tear the foot down and replace/regrind some parts. After helping with that I have a pretty good idea of how it all works. I had no issues finding "new old" parts for the motor. The thing runs like a top and pushes my 14 ft john boat about 23 mph with one person. I get comments all the time at the boat ramp about that motor outlasting me if I keep up with maintenance. Fuel is absolutely not an issue with such a small motor either. I have a 6 gallon tank and I'll burn 1/2 to 3/4 in a day of fishing/burning around the lake. And to me if I can pay for 4 gallons of gas and fish all day...well thats just fine by me.
  7. i think people put too much thought into the flat, v or semi-v debate. While they are all slightly different they'll all get you where you wanna go especially on small waters like lakes and rivers. The only thing i didnt like about a flat was the boat slamming down on waves and jarring everyone on board. I have a 14 ft semi-v jon boat with a 25 hp johnson on the back. Got it on craigslist for 800 bucks. That included the trailer and the trolling motor. Id hold out till you find a good deal if you can. Just make sure you have enough motor on the back to get up on plane. Otherwise your plugging along from spot to spot. Recently had to put about 400 bucks into it to replace the deck and other failing items but its a fun project to work on. BTW.....the name of my boat? "It's Always Somethin" haha.
  8. Senkos man. Also make sure to attach a loofa to your golfcart so they know youre a swinger, haha.
  9. All was good. Boat had a lot of debris in it but everything is intact. Killed the bass over the weekend after the hurricane!
  10. Thanks for the input everyone. crypt and zachb34 be safe out there and make sure you have enough beer, haha.
  11. Ok so this is my first hurricane in Florida. I am in Orlando so we probably wont catch the brunt of it but I was wondering if I should worry about my 14 ft jon boat during the storm. It sits on a trailer in the apartment parking lot. Does anybody have any tips for securing, etc.? Should I worry about the wind getting fast and hard enough to push the boat and trailer out of the parking spot? Any advice is appreciated.
  12. Originally from Pennsylvania. We would always refer to bass in inches (grandma still does). Now that im in florida its all about the weight. You can almost tell if someone does or does not fish big bass waters by which method they use.
  13. My buddy and I were fishing our first tournament. It was almost sun up and we were excited to get going. Our boat number was called and we took off. My buddy was driving and lost his hat probably 200 yards from the starting boat. We circled around probably 4 times before retrieving the hat. Meanwhile im sure we looked like a bunch of amateurs to the rest of the boats all around us. Maybe we should have just went home considering we were the lightest bag to weigh, haha.
  14. Geo G....any certain color that you've been using that seems to be working well? Junebug is normally the ticket for me but not recently.
  15. Alright. I'll be giving that a try the next time I get on the water.
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