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Panfish McGee

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  1. I would prefer a hard one, but I'm not sure I've found one even online that looks like it will work well with a spincasting reel.
  2. Will the fly cases have enough room to hold the reel? I was always under the impression spincast reels would be too wide.
  3. Gentlemen, I spent a while looking through forums, and I think I found the best the Internet has to offer, so I shall pose my question! I am a lifelong spincaster since I first began fishing, and I'm not morally against changing my ways, I've just never found another reel I like. I also most enjoy fishing for panfish, so I am a huge fan of some of the shorter (4'6" is my favorite) rods. I have been looking, most unsatisfactory, for a reliable case I can put a rod/reel in for easy of transport. Something that isn't 10' long would be nice, and I'd be happy with a shorter case (I have a 5' rod that breaks down into two pieces of which I am quite fond). Are there any good suggestions for cases that aren't built for long rods/flyfishing rods? Thanks! -Panfish McGee
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