I am curious if anyone else has had any issues with Aqua-Vu cameras. I have and I needed to vent a bit so here is my hhistory with Aqua-VU.
I purchased on in spring of 2005 (SV-100). It was a fine tool, when it worked. I had to send it back befor the summer was over due to distortion in the screen. This was covered under warranty. 3 weeks later I received a replacement, Great!! Summer of 2007 on my first trip out, I dropped the camera in the water and yep, screen distortion again. So, I ended up paying a user replacement fee. Basically, I paid for a new camera at a reduced cost. During the spring of 2008 i could not get any picture on my screen, so once again, i had the camera replaced. Now, when I received this back, i plugged it into a outlet in my kitchen. Being my wife was at work, I pre-heat the oven to fix myself a hearty meal (frozen pizza) and I am watching re-runs of Bass Pro's and I smell something burning. My first thought was she left something in the oven, but nope all clear. I look at my Aqua-Vu and the charging cord was on FIRE!!! Yep on fire. Luckily, the wife was at work (i can't clutter up the kitchen with my toys, she says) or I would have had this in the garage charging and who knows what the outcome would have been. I called Aqua-Vu and sent the camera to them. I followed up and they stated "you must have reversed the polarity on the charger....When I calmed down, I explained that was not correct. I correctly connected the battery and had taken a photo just in case it became an issue. Seems to be that the rectifier malfunctioned overheated the charger and caught fire. Anyway, after many discussions they sent me a rebuilt unit. When it arrived the screen mounts were broken. But here is the catch, it never worked!!!! Didn't bother calling back, just pitched it in the garbage.