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Everything posted by Bass_junky

  1. Had a free weekend coming up and thought I would fish Banks lake, being i have yet to give her a try. I know the lake level is dropping so fishing should be a bit easier. I have heard it is a dropshot/finesse lake for smallies but would also like to stick a lmb. Any suggestions for areas to focus or techniques in August, without giving away your secrets? Thanks in advance
  2. I witnessed this on a lake in Idaho during a tournament. Guy in a boat 20-30 yds away lost a toad on a Senko, broke off. After he was finished with his monkey dance on the bow of his boat he re-tied and the very next cast he landed a 8+ LMB and yes it had the previous Senko still hooked in the corner of its mouth!!!
  3. They must hook the fish for you??
  4. The wind drift is the most important question between these two boats....If you plan on bass fishing....
  5. a little "ODD" Glen? I looked like a cat with a ball of yarn, first time i put cover on my Ranger....lol
  6. When all else "fails" I get out my Coors Light- Blue Mnts (Ice cold) , all gets better after that
  7. Very cloudy skies or muddy water. Never ever on clear water
  8. "right now i have the berkely 50 lb. digital and it is very inconsistent". This was also my previous scale. I found (unfortunately) at my last tourney it is very inconsistent. I was off 12 oz. for total bag. Makes one wonder how well he is culling, glad I use the beams for culling. My apologies for not clarifying scale options. This is a scale you would have in your boat to use as part of your culling system.
  9. It is time for a new digital scale. These have always been like purchasing grab bag, never know if they are accurate. So, i thought I would put up a pole to help my purchase. I can add to the list just let me know.
  10. I do glue my trailer with Krazy-glue (actually use loctite), but only when I am skipping and want a slow fall. Instead of threading the plastic on, i single hook it. If anyone has found a better way, utilizing this technique, to hold the bait, please post.....
  11. You may save a few bucks by keeping all the torn plastics (worms/tube/critters) you will go through and use those for your jig trailers vs. buying specific trailers.
  12. After learning this lake for the last three years, the only honey holes, this time of year, are the stumps/logs/pilings in the lake, but it takes one cast out of 50 or more casts (at each location) for that one toad and only the lake veterans know these locations. Some of these are becoming visible with the lake level dropping, so keep your eye out. If you see any boats fishing off shore take notice. On the west side of Waldon island are some bouy markers. These markers are identifying a rock pile, might be worth stopping and plunkin' at. Watch your PROP!!!! For avg size hit the brush - bring your flippin pole and "leave the rest at home" in my opinion. There is a good morning bite currently in the wee hours of daylight or late dusk. Lots of traffic on the lake also keeping the shallow bottom stirred up so the water clarity, well there is none (maybe 6"). Always a chance of catching that TOAD with every cast on this lake. Be ready, they typically hit your bait on first fall to the bottom. Good luck!! Now, how is the bite at Lake Washington???
  13. I have heard that mixing a solution of vinegar and water, then spray areas you want to deter the cats. BB gun is positive results but if you don't want harm the animal, if it enters your property blast it with a water hose!
  14. Have you looked at the Canopy (tarp) style carports? They range from 350-600 for your dimensions. Do a internet search. Some people in this area (NW) use them, just make sure it is properly anchored. You can find these with just three sides, to save some bucks if it is against the house. Also for the price, i agree you can build you own custom carport for less money.
  15. Congrats! I think it is best to start out this way with boats that need small repairs, i know I did. I started out with a 14' valco that I retorfitted for bass fishing. I taught me how to properly wire a boat, weight distribution, motor repairs. Next was a 19' footer fish/ski style. I also retrofitted this for bass, learned how to properly remove all panels, flooring, etc...It teaches boat owners how to troubleshoot issues. Then as we gradually upgrade we know how to maintain/troulbeshoot the boat. Also how to handle the larger boats in the water. People that start out with the best boat money can buy usually have issues and are also taking the boat to the shop for simple repairs (causing higher expenditures-excluding warranty work). Learning how to handle smaller boats before upgrading is also priceless experience. After 15 yrs of upgrading, I finally made the move last summer with a new Z-20. I could not hve handled this boat if it was my first purchase and the boat would be beaten up due to my unexperience. Lots of money to not understand how to drive & maintain a boat. Hope your boat brings many happy memories! Tight lines
  16. I did contact Ranger in Flippin, Ark and am pleased with the results. I also contacted the Regional Ranger rep. and am pleased with his response. He made some phone calls and called me the following day as he promised. The responses are on the money, most of the delay is on the dealer, not Ranger. It is a new Ranger dealer and they now have the "proper assistance" to expedite the repairs on my boat (not the motor). I utilize Tom's outboard in Olympia, WA for any motor work on my Etec. The major repair item was the locker rails coating was flaking off. Ranger is replacing them along with some other small items. As i stated, I love my Ranger best boat i have owned Tight lines
  17. Just wondering what the thoughts are regarding Ranger Boats Warranty. Anyone have delay after delay or is it just my luck? I turned my boat over to the dealer the second week of December and just heard it will be the first week in March before i get it back. For the items that needed addressed (3) months is far too long. I do love my boat, but service & warranty work will be a major consideration on my next purchase. Any thoughts or experiences?? >
  18. Just thought i would pass this on. There will be a open team tournament April 11th @ Silver Lake. Mt St Helens Bass Club has done a great job in the past sponsoring this. Plenty of raffles after the weigh-in, food & HOT COFFEE....Hurry only 35 boats allowed, 80% payouts, Pays 7 spots and it is filling up fast! www.mt-st-helens-bassmasters.com/files/2009Openflyer2.pdf
  19. The ramp up, as stated previously on MK actually extends the life of the TM. You wouldn't drive your car that way (instant 60 mph) because it would shorten it's life. I have no preference with MK or MG, although I do have a MK 101. My only opinion is do not buy one with electric steering, go with cable steering. The electric steer only turns at one speed and is very noisy.
  20. Have you checked www.fugawi.com for any updates?
  21. Age old debate. I would ask the question: if the red color spectrum is invisible in the deep, how could it catch more fish?? :-/
  22. Just wondering if anyone has tried bread wire ties. They come in many colors, no cost, but curious how well they would hold up. Not my idea, ran across it in another forum...
  23. I am curious if anyone else has had any issues with Aqua-Vu cameras. I have and I needed to vent a bit so here is my hhistory with Aqua-VU. I purchased on in spring of 2005 (SV-100). It was a fine tool, when it worked. I had to send it back befor the summer was over due to distortion in the screen. This was covered under warranty. 3 weeks later I received a replacement, Great!! Summer of 2007 on my first trip out, I dropped the camera in the water and yep, screen distortion again. So, I ended up paying a user replacement fee. Basically, I paid for a new camera at a reduced cost. During the spring of 2008 i could not get any picture on my screen, so once again, i had the camera replaced. Now, when I received this back, i plugged it into a outlet in my kitchen. Being my wife was at work, I pre-heat the oven to fix myself a hearty meal (frozen pizza) and I am watching re-runs of Bass Pro's and I smell something burning. My first thought was she left something in the oven, but nope all clear. I look at my Aqua-Vu and the charging cord was on FIRE!!! Yep on fire. Luckily, the wife was at work (i can't clutter up the kitchen with my toys, she says) or I would have had this in the garage charging and who knows what the outcome would have been. I called Aqua-Vu and sent the camera to them. I followed up and they stated "you must have reversed the polarity on the charger....When I calmed down, I explained that was not correct. I correctly connected the battery and had taken a photo just in case it became an issue. Seems to be that the rectifier malfunctioned overheated the charger and caught fire. Anyway, after many discussions they sent me a rebuilt unit. When it arrived the screen mounts were broken. But here is the catch, it never worked!!!! Didn't bother calling back, just pitched it in the garbage.
  24. I just stumbled across this thread. I wanted to say to Glen, excellent write up. Not too many people or forums would give this detail of course with the exclusion of BassResource... Great Job Glen
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