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About PondHopper96

  • Birthday 09/09/1996

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Sandsprings ,Oklahoma
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Grand Lake/Ft. Gibson
  • Other Interests
    Football, bowhunting , lifting, and nature!

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Dink (3/9)



  1. a little bit of faith goes a long way! (;
  2. I have a curado and here lately I've been back lashing a ridiculous amount and used to a back lash was about 1 every trip and I went to mess with the brakes and the little red caps that go over the magnets looked like they had been sanded on top and had thin strips of melted plastic on the ends and it's all but one of them that's damaged so help me out here!!!! Lol
  3. Is this the one where he got hit by the weight? My moms boyfriend is actually the executive producer so I heard the first hand story! Sucks to be him!!!
  4. Was waiting for this one hahaha
  5. If you're lucky enough to live in tulsa you can usually just walk in and they'll replace the rod for free. If anyone does live in tulsa, mention the name dale and they'll replace em for free
  6. Cold water can really take it out of your lungs
  7. A cast is a cast. The fish dont care if you use your breaking system or not. Right? Lol
  8. I think everyone loves a 3 pounder, myself included. Haven't caught a dd but im almost there! 9.3 pounds is my pb, caught on a 3/4 bluegill sk shad in an old strip pit.
  9. Congrats! My pb was caught on a jig, as were many others!
  10. Not 100% sure but I believe it is made by bps.
  11. Found a few of these at my uncles and just found out what they were called when I googled the name of this post! I don't recommend them, very little action, bad on grass or around grass imo. Never know though! I did have some high hopes for them!
  12. kind of crazy to think he was on a box of Wheaties at one point in time! haha
  13. Craftsmanship, and the fact that people will pay that much for it! haha
  14. Thanks for sharing! Neat little piece of history.
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