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  • Gender
  • Location
    South Central Kansas
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Farm Ponds!
  • Other Interests
    Trout Fishing

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  1. If you want to do it on the cheap, one suggestion I have heard is to get foam pool noodles and run the straps through them to hold them snug to the kayak. I have never done this but read a few people who where very happy with this route.
  2. I have read about 20 threads on BR so far about most recommended braid and the consensus is always either Suffix 832 (what I currently use), or power pro. Also, don't forget to check manufacturer rebates to save a few bucks.
  3. I use 15lb mono, this helps keep ur line floating and in better contact. Also lets be honest, it may not have been ur fault. Somedays they got but dont bite the buzzbait. So then ur options are to try a popper, or better yet put on a trailer hook. You could also downsize your buzzbait, or switch to a different color buzzbait because sometimes they can see a particular color better than others. My last tip is to try adding some pops and twitches in your retrieve, sometimes this helps trigger a more accurate bass strike. Oh yeah, one last thing u can try is slowing down ur retreive, and if that still doesnt get them then right after a missed strike throw back to the same place with a soft plastic or jig.
  4. I would work a fluke for sure. Especially since you mentioned they were hitting your crankbaits as you started cranking down, I love that you can work a fluke just about anyway that is needed, and you can mimic a baitfish very well. It also would glide pretty decent thru your vegetation issues if you texas rig it weightless and weedless then it's money in the bank.
  5. Ummm, you told me where pond x is on the second Tuesday of last week, but you were in a hurry so you probably don't remember. Any-who ....could you give me THE EXACT GPS coordinates again, thanks. Muhahahahaha
  6. That was kinda what i was thinking, makes sense.
  7. I have had that happen before, last time it happened i noticed it was hooked pretty close to the brain. Could just be coincidence.
  8. Also, the code to verify if it has a factory HD transmission cooler is KNP. The codes are listed on a black and white GM sticker and if memory serves it is located in the glove box on this truck.
  9. Although the 5.3L is definitely a more commonly found engine in the Chevy you are looking at, the 4.8 is a good engine and has nearly the same power as the 5.3. 5.3L has 295hp and 330 ft. lbs of torque 4.8 has 285hp and 295 ft. lbs of torque With that said I think you are more than ok pulling your boat with it.
  10. Yeah man, you nailed it! Their house brand is legit. I got a crank bait on clearance from them a month ago for $.98, I caught about 25 bass before I snagged it and lost it. I haven't tried their rods yet but could use a good spinning rod, maybe I will look into them.
  11. www.academy.com Most sporting good stores (Dicks, Sports Authority, etc) seem to have the retail philosophy of ask inflated prices and do lots of sales. Academy however does an everyday low price approach, and in the hundreds of things I have bought there after price checking against the other major retailers only 1 item was more expensive. I have gotten to the point where I feel comfortable buying things from there without even doing competitive shopping.
  12. At least you got o see the bass, I always feel better personally about getting skunked when I got to see a few fish. I get that feeling like I am doing everything wrong when I get skunked and don't see a single fish.
  13. Baitcaster is right handed, spinning is left handed. I am glad to know that I am not alone, I do it because that is all I had growing up and was never taught different I suppose. I tried going left handed with a baitcaster a few years ago and it didn't seem worth it to me. But who knows...maybe I will try again this year.
  14. One thing I would recommend if you don't already do, is to keep your rod tip low and to the side, at a 9 to 10 o'clock position. This is something that has really helped me, when I have it to the side and I get a strike the fish practically hooks itself because the action of the rod loads directly into my line. When I have the rod tip up in the air, or directly in front of me I find that I take away the rods ability to flex and snap back to help with the hookset. Hope this makes sense and helps.
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