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Everything posted by Jaderose

  1. Buy what you can afford to buy and enjoy the heck out of it. If you enjoy high end gear and are not spending the mortgage, go for it. If you catch fish and enjoy an old Zebco on a $20 dollar rod, go for it. Either way, you're doing it right. Beyond that, who cares?
  2. Live Target DOES make nice frogs. Are they worth almost twice as much as a Pad Crasher? Not to this old frogger and while this has nothing to do with the product, per se, I ALWAYS lose them.
  3. Senko's are THE bait in the bass fishing world. We all use them (most of us anyway) and all have success with them. They cost a lot and we all complain but we don't stop buying them because a weightless green pumpkin Senko is about the closest thing to a sure bet you're gonna get in this sport. Changing them substantially would cause IMMEDIATE backlash from an already wary customer base. If they were smart, they would lower the price a little and give more options in buying them in bulk or simply do nothing and keep on keeping on. Just my opinion
  4. I can bomb a Spro King Daddy pretty far but nowhere close to 100 yards. I suppose if I was TRYING, I could go 40-50? That's 120-150 ft. Good luck getting a fish outta of that on a frog even if you do manage to set the hook.
  5. This and even then, if you keep your frog hooks sharp you'll be fine. I set hooks firmly but I want it controlled to keep the fish from going down. I want them basically skiing over the top of the mats I'm fishing. Otherwise, I'll be bringing in 50 lbs of crap or they'll get wrapped around timber.
  6. I'm a big fan of those hooks for a number of applications. They work great on toads and on most anything else I want a slow horizontal drop on. It's a good product, imho.
  7. I switched to this exact line this year and will never throw anything else on my frog rod.
  8. By now, a lot of us have seen the Luke Bryan video "Bill Dance". How many young people recognize KVD or Johnny Morris in that video? I'm guessing most young people would only know Bill Dance because of his blooper vids on youtube. If you put that Milliken Fishing moron or the "Googans" in that video then all the kids would know who they were. The money goes where the clicks are. I hate those videos with screaming music and fast cuts and the drone shots but I'm old and just want the kids off my lawn. I may have the money but I'm not spending it on every new lure and energy drink and whatever that comes down the pike. I need a rod with a Senko, a frog, or a jig tied on it and a cup of coffee to be a happy boy. Advertisers know this and are therefore not even trying to sell me anything. I'm fine with that.
  9. I think he meant that when he saw your topic, he was afraid that Bill Dance had passed away
  10. I use 2 beads. I saw someone do it one time and liked it. Does it do anything? I doubt it but what the heck...it catches fish.
  11. Lol....Yeah....pretty much this^^. My go to for many years is the Scumfrog Trophy Natural Black and Green but I have other colors and for my style of fishing heavy mats, I don't believe it really matters. If you are fishing areas with pads or open water, I believe there are probably better choices. The TS frogs do not "walk the dog" all that well. I tried the Scumfrog Launch frog this year and found it doesn't really do anything beyond the TS Frog to justify paying more for it. I also really like the Booyah Pad Crashers...particularly the little one. I fish those weird, though. I cut the legs OFF of them. Completely. THOSE I do throw in open water and reeds and stuff. They become this spastic little nugget that seems to drive bass nuts. They're cheap enough...buy a black one and a white one and try it. I also like the Spro Bronzeye Frogs but, again, they don't do enough to justify their cost above the Scum Frog, unless you are talking the King Daddy. That thing is a monster that I can spool my rod with when casting way out on those mats. I LOVE those frogs but they will wear you out chucking them for a couple of hours. Don't waste money on "hyper-realistic" paint jobs or gimmicks like the Lunkerhunt "realistic" legs. The paint job is for you and those legs will get torn off immediately. As others have said, you need White and Black bottoms. Others said chartreuse and I have no argument against it but I would also throw green in there before chartreuse. Bass are not trying to decide if that is a Tree Frog or a Swamp Frog. They see and hear movement and think FOOD. Also, do not equate price to quality. I laugh when I go on TW and see frogs for 15-20 bucks. I can buy Scumfrogs and Pad Crashers for 5-6 bucks every day and see ZERO drop off in quality or number of fish. I'll fish them until they fall apart. Just an old froggers opinion. I go for value and usefulness. Does this bait do what I want it to do at a price that is acceptable to me? This one checks all those boxes.... See those eyes? Those are stickers. They will come off. It doesn't matter at all. Keep on fishing them and don't bother trying find them or put them back on.
  12. Rock on, Brother, and congrats on your retirement. At 53, I am beginning to feel the stir. Working from home for close to 2 years has helped that. The wife and I recently started a small business that it looks like can be as successful as we want it to be. Right now, we are taking it slow and not jumping in too deep. It's the sorta thing we both love to do and we can have fun and do it together. I am settling into middle age/getting older quite nicely. I was "rambunctious" as a kid/younger adult with plenty of drama and nonsense. That is all behind me now. The wild oats have been sowed. Now, I'm just waiting on Grandkids and enjoying life with a woman I dearly love and my hobbies. Quiet and very fulfilling
  13. I don't disagree with you. Could I outfish any pro using a full arsenal? Nope. I doubt I could outfish many or even most on here with a full arsenal but I'd go toe-to-toe with anyone with a frog. If I got my butt kicked (likely) I'd learn something. It's kind aof a can't lose situation. Now....if I had a chance to go out froggin with Dean Rojas or Ish would I challenge them? Hell no....I'd keep my mouth shut and my eyes open.
  14. This. At the end of the day, they're just bass. Obviously I realize that Bass Pro's face many many things the average Joe does not but if you dropped me and Dean Rojas and Ish Monroe on the same lake with the same frog set ups and told us we had 8 hours....no tv cameras in our faces...no drones flying around.....I'd like my chances. Are they better than I am? Yes. Are they THAT MUCH better than I am? Maybe, but as I said...I'd give it a go.
  15. I think there are plenty on here. I'd give it a go with anyone so long as we only had Frog rods in our hands. I might get my butt handed to me but I'd give it a shot
  16. I guess I have 4 depending on conditions. 1. Weightless T-Rig Grn Pmpkn Senko 2. Owner Ultrahead Ball jig with Old Havoc Pit Boss or Rage Craw 3. Chrome Rat-l-trap. 4. Scumfrog Trophy Series Natural Grn/Black I fish other things but these are the 4 I always come back to
  17. There is no right way and there is no wrong way. There is your way. You'll dial it in to do the things you want to do. The ONE thing I will say is this is exactly why I always recommend to BC newbs to buy them when the water is hard and the snow is blowing. You can practice, practice, practice with no worries about the outcome. I've yet to catch a fish casting in my yard or flipping in my garage. Unless you count a "CAT" fish. It's like the difference between using a LH or a RH reel. Who cares? Use the one that feels like an extension of your central nervous system.
  18. 1 part donkey/1 part sauce
  19. Any you guys ever throw a Yozuri Snap Bean? I used to love throwing those and caught some decent bass along with panfish on them.
  20. Frogs. Bombing them way out over big mats for hours on end will wear you out after awhile
  21. I've had good luck on a Culprit Fat Max on a swing head. Pumpkinseed tail dipped in JJ's Why the heck they don't put out a Fat Max in Fire & Ice is beyond me.
  22. My suggestion would be to stick with what you got right now. How much fishing you got left for the season? 2 months? When you're done for the season, do your research. Find out what makes a good Frog set up and target that. In the meantime, go to stores and hold reels. Put them on a rod and see how they feel. You might want a righty, you might want a lefty. You've never used a BC before and the middle of the season is NOT the time to learn. It will frustrate you and you will put it down and never use it. Learn how when the snow is flying and there is nothing stake. For now, go fish what you like, relax, and enjoy. There is no right or wrong. If you're enjoying what you're doing and catching fish, you're fine.
  23. Not real. The ride does exist but it doesn't do all this
  24. The little lake I fish has an area with a LOT of standing timber. Occasionally, I'll get in there where I'm surrounded by and misjudge a casting lane. Try throwing a frog full distance only to have it bounce off a tree that's 6 ft (or right next to you) away. You'll DEEPLY understand backlashes...lol Wait'll you actually CATCH a fish while picking out a backlash. You learn how to hand line very quickly. Then you got a HELLUVA mess.
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