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Everything posted by Jaderose

  1. Don't get it wet. (I'll show myself out)
  2. People are people. Whether they dump trashcans , do heart transplants, or headline stadium shows. If they also fish, they can drink from my canteen any time.
  3. I could put on a 3 hr. marathon seminar about all the ways to NOT boat a fish while frogging.
  4. Were you messing with their stuff? If so, then maybe stop doing that. If not? Screw em! They're yours to do whatever you want with them.
  5. lost a few of those too!
  6. Yeah...I dunno. If I let them get wedged, they're gone. You'd think I'd learn...lol.
  7. The Trashmaster is the shiz-nizzy. Weirdly, I lose the heck out of them in rip rap though. I think I get cocky and figure they'll go through anything
  8. Weird....never had that issue on my Presidents at all.
  9. I was beyond stupid. I was a troubled kid that got involved in some very shady things and lived a very reckless life. I did (and was involved in the...let's call it, the "logistical" side of things) all the drugs, drank all the liquor, and lived VERY recklessly. The only thing I ever had going for me was a strong work ethic and a pretty strong survival instinct. Having daughters changed all that. I figured out that I wanted to be a Daddy more than I wanted to be a screw up. I've been clean and sober for a long time and my life is completely different today. I have a great job, a loving wife, daughters that love and respect me and a great, peaceful life as I ease into middle and old age. I never have to worry about a "mid-life crisis" as ALL my wild oats have been sowed. I've always been pretty open with my daughters about my life back then and tried to help guide them away from that type of life. They are 26 and 22 and living happy, productive lives, Thank God. BTW....My daughters are the reason why a big ol' 53 year old redneck like me has the handle "JadeRose". Their middle names. Jade and Rose.
  10. THAT, my friends, is service with a smile. Thanks Glenn!
  11. When you come back? Mines always happy to see me GO!
  12. I was VERY skeptical about Line conditioners until I actually tried KVD. It works. I use it on Mono, fluoro, and even new braid. Also makes a great dessert topping!
  13. I don't disagree at all. If I'm just catching little dink after dink, I'll happily change tactic or move on but I'll change baits even if I'm catching nice fish. I guess maybe the thought process is I can catch EVEN BIGGER ONES with *insert bait choice here* and it rarely works. The only time I never do this is is frogging but I can't exactly tie on a crank bait and throw it on a scum mat. I've probably tried...lol
  14. It's insane how much truth there is in this statement. I can't begin to guess how many times I'll be having a good consistent day using something like a weightless Senko and then CHANGE TACTICS and have it fall apart. WHY? Why do I (we...I know I'm not the only one) do this? It's moronic!
  15. I love fishing tubes in just about every way you can fish them.
  16. Of course, Bubblegum and other crazy colors seems to be the most obvious answer. I fish them and have had a lot of success with them, BUT, the answer for me might seem strange. Green Pumpkin. For years I convinced myself that GP would not work in the waters I fished because the bait was the exact same color as the water. You guys finally talked me into trying GP. Whooo, was I wrong.
  17. Yep....this. All of this. K.I.S.S and trust your instincts. They'll be wrong at first but over time they'll get honed and you will be a fisherman. Not just a lure thrower.
  18. I'm sitting trying to think about how I grip a spinning reel and honestly, I don't know. I've never paid attention. I do use my finger for strike detection so whatever way helps me do that is how I do it..lol
  19. I have an older 2 pc. Clarus that is my main spinning rod. I like it quite a bit and will replace it with a newer one if I ever have to.
  20. If I'm not catching anything, no matter what time of year or temps, I will deadstick a weightless TR Green pumpkin Senko. If you still come up empty, go home.
  21. I saw a Walleye get some pretty good air trying to hit a frog one time and I've had bass knock the frog 5 ft in the air before (always makes me laugh) but nope.
  22. I have never...not once...seen a bass jump 5 feet out of the water for any reason
  23. I don't know how you could know virtually anything about Bass Fishing and NOT know about Senko's
  24. I watched about a minute of that video, laughed, shut it off, and will promptly forget about it. I'm not dealing with that mess...lol
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