I throw frogs in HEAVY slop. Most of that slop is located in stump fields. There isn't a lot of "walking the dog" or finesse stuff going on. I do a high arc cast (when I can) on the Trophy series and they land with a very distinct *plop*. You want that simply to let the fish know something is around as they sure as heck can't see it. The Trophy series will take an absolute beating doing this. You'll lose the glued-on eyes pretty quickly but they don't matter at all. This is strictly reaction-strike fishing. I don't modify them at all. I don't trim the skirt, bend out the hooks, or add color. I've had them last 2 seasons and one year I burned through about 10 of them by getting them hopelessly hung up on stumps and debris. A well made, inexpensive lure for a technique that does NOT require custom, realistic paint or life-like "kicking legs". Pad Crasher is also a solid, well-priced option. I have and throw them, too. I have a couple of Pad Crasher Jr.'s that I cut the legs OFF. It's like a spastic little June bug in areas with some open water